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OCLC Support

Why do my WorldShare ILL Statistics and my ILLiad Statistics not match up?

  • When you are comparing your WorldShare ILL Statistics and ILLiad Statistics they do not match and you want to know why
Applies to
  • ILLiad, WorldShare ILL

The reason ILLiad shows different statistics than WorldShare ILL is because of these differences:

  1. ILLiad uses a different Database than WorldShare ILL.
  2. ILLiad uses a different query than WorldShare ILL.  For instance, ILLiad can include Docline, Rapid, ISO ILL, and other requests that are not included in OCLC.
  3. ILLiad does queries dynamically.  It takes a picture of what the Database shows at that time.  WorldShare does not.

An example is that if you took a query for Books Borrowed from July 1, 2019.  Then someone changed an Article Request to a Loan Request from May 30, 2020 and now the TransactionDate is June 24, 2020.  Then you ran the same report, the report will change.  ILLiad is dynamic.  

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