Why are my Doc Del or Borrowing Turnaround Time report for Loans showing I do not have any of the time period I chose?
- When you put in your query for the Turnaround Time report for Doc Del, it shows that there were none.
Applies to
- ILLiad
Here is the reason the Turnaround Time Report for Doc Del may not show any requests:
- The Turnaround Time report requires all the steps in the query. If a step is skipped, then the Transaction is not counted.
- The Doc Del Turnaround time Report query is on the Document Delivery Web Reports page.
- Here are the steps:
1. t.RequestType = 'Loan'
2. AND t.ProcessType = 'Doc Del
3. AND ((a.ChangedTo LIKE '%Submitted by Customer') OR (a.ChangedTo = 'Request Added through Client') OR (a.ChangedTo like 'Imported from%'))
4. AND ((b.ChangedTo = 'Request in Processing') OR (b.ChangedTo = 'Awaiting Document Delivery Processing'))
5. AND c.ChangedTo = 'In DD Stacks Searching'
6. AND d.ChangedTo = 'Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact'
7. AND e.ChangedTo LIKE '%Notified%'
If any are missing, then the Transaction is not counted. When you use Routing rules to bypass steps, you will see zeros in the report.