Is there a way that I can set it up so that when patrons register that information from our system can be loaded on the Registration form?
- You want it so that when patrons register that their information is automatically loaded on the Registration form
Applies to
- ILLiad
If you are hosted by OCLC, you will need to contact OCLC Support. We will work with you to do the following:
- Set up the UserValidation logon to OCLC.
- What you need to do to set up the File you send to OCLC.
- Help you set up the FTP connection.
If you are self-hosted, you need to look at the documentation for Populating a UserValidation Table and How does the UserValidation table work in ILLiad? You will need to load the files to the UserValidation table. When the patrons sign in the first time, the information from the table will be loaded in the Registration form.