I am getting an error message when I click on an item in the NO ILL Number Match field and I need to fix it
- When you click on the No ILL Number Match field, you are getting a Save Feedback error message pop-up that asks you if you would want to save feedback
Applies to
- ILLiad
Here are a couple of steps you can take to fix the issue:
- Clear the Electronic Delivery Form following the directions in the Manually Clearing the Electronic Delivery Processing Screen documentation.
- Try to process the request again. If you get the same error message, then you will need to contact your SQL Server Administrator if you are self-hosted or OCLC Support if OCLC hosts you and give the number you see in ILLiad, for example, O3465 (that is the letter "O" and not a zero "0").
- If OCLC hosts you, we will update the OdysseyReceived table so that O3465 does not show up.
- If you are self-hosted, here is the list of command the SQL Administrator will need to use to update the OdysseyReceived table:
Update OdysseyReceived Set status='Received' Where ID='3465' go
5. Open up the ILLiad Client and follow the documentation on Manually Clearing the Electronic Delivery Processing Screen.
You will need to open the Electronic Processing window again, and the O3465 entry will no longer be there and you will not get an error message processing Electronic Delivery.