I get an error when trying to register an ILLiad account, but I can't see the cause.
- When filling out the registration form in ILLiad, an error says that fields are required, but you cannot submit the Registration form.
Applies to
- ILLiad
Web forms in ILLiad use the WebValidation table in the Customization Manager.
- Search for WebValidation in the Customization Manager.
- The fields can be sorted by Formname, and you will want to pay special attention to the NewUserRegistration, NewAuthRegistration, and ChangeUserInformation forms.
- Fields that are required have a "Required" checked. If a field is checked for Required, but you do not see that field in the registration page, you will want to either uncheck "Required" or add that field in the HTML templates where the error occurs (i.e., NewUserRegistration, NewAuthRegistration, and ChangeUserInformation).
Additional Information
For more details on how to make those changes, see the Atlas article Changing Required Fields - ILLiad.