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How do I set it up in ILLiad so the Web pages pull the NVTGC options from the CustomDropDown table for my Registration page?

  • You want one place to pull the information for the NVTGC so you do not have to keep on updating your Registration and Change User Information Web pages
Applies to
  • ILLiad 

You will want to do the following to update your Web Pages and your Customization Manager:

  1. You will use the CustomDropDown table to add the sites you want for NVTGC and then add the code:

<label for="NVTGC">
         <span class="field">
                  <span class="<#ERROR name="ERRORNVTGC">"><b>Delivery Location</b></span>
                   <select id="NVTGC" name="NVTGC" size="1" class="f-name">
                       <#OPTION name="custom" groupname="NVTGC" selectedValue="<#PARAM name=NVTGC>"  defaultValue="" defaultName=""/>
                    </select><br />

More information is found in the Custom DropDown documentation.

  1. Go to the Customization Manager and edit Notifications. 
  2. Copy the ILL Borrowing Article Delivery template and change the ILL to the NVTGC for the new site. 
  3. Save the copied Notification template. 
  4. Do the same for all of the ILL notifications which include: ILL Borrowing Article Delivery, ILL Borrowing Article Pickup, ILL Borrowing Loan Delivery, ILL Borrowing Loan Pickup, ILL Doc Del Article Delivery, ILL Doc Del Article Pickup, ILL Doc Del Loan Pickup.  Once they have been copied over, you should be able to use the new NVTGC.
Additional information

In addition to your Registration page, you will also need to update your ChangeUserInformation.html web page.  There are several fields you can use this for such as Status or Department and so on.

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