How do I fix it when I am getting an Odyssey Alert that says Notification Failed?
- You are seeing Odyssey Errors and when you look at the details it says that the Notification Failed
Applies to
- ILLiad
Here are some steps to fix the issue:
- Make sure your IIS Webplatform is running correctly following the documentation How do I fix it when I am trying to deliver articles in ILLiad, I am getting a WebPlatform error message?
- Once you have fixed the issue, you can send out all the emails for the errors you have. Open up the Transaction.
- Remove the Odyssey Error message by clicking on the icon.
- Click on the Send Notification icon on the top left. The Email Notification will go out to the patron.
- If you want to verify the notification is going out, then click on the History tab and refresh the screen. You should see in the Notification History an outgoing email.