Advanced search
Learn how to perform an advanced search within the simplified cataloging interface in WorldShare Record Manager.
Advanced searching allows you to search more indexes and lets you search for multiple terms. Always limit your search to increase precision.
Note: For a full explanation of searching WorldCat indexes, with labels and lists of fields and subfields indexed, seeHow to perform an advanced search
- On the left navigation, click Advanced Search.
- From the Search Scope drop-down list, select a search scope.
- Select My Library Holdings if you already have at least one copy of the item.
- Select All WorldCat if you do not own any copies of the item.
- Select an Index from the list. See Searching WorldCat Indexes for more information on available indexes.
- Based on the index you selected, enter your search terms into the text field. The text field will expand to fit your search terms, if needed.
- (Optional). Enter up to five combinations of indexes and search terms:
- Click the Add button () to add an index and the Remove button () to remove an index.
- Select a Boolean operator (AND, OR, NOT) for each index that you add.
- (Optional). Fill out the remaining fields. See Advanced search settings below for details.
- Click Search.
Watch a video
Simplified cataloging: Search WorldCat
Advanced search settings