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WorldShare Record Manager release notes, December 2021


Release Date: December 4, 2021


This release of WorldShare Record Manager provides three new features and enhancements to help you manage more complex workflows in addition to numerous bug fixes, including:

  • A warning message when a duplicate barcode is added to a Local Holdings Record (LHR)
  • The ability to select the number of rows that will display for copies and holdings
  • The BIBCO permission was added to the Authorities LC NACO Name Authority File role 
  • Bug fixes:
    • Constant data records for Local Holdings Records (LHRs) with the 007 field out of order caused a page unresponsive error
    • Deleting WorldCat holdings on more than 100 records at a time in the Bibliographic Record Work List resulted in an occasional server communication failed message
    • Barcodes with a plus character could not be added to a Label Print List using Add Record(s) Using Barcode(s) option

Many of these enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.

New features and enhancements

View a warning message when a duplicate barcode is added to a Local Holdings Record (LHR)

You will now see a warning message when a barcode that you're adding to or editing in an LHR occurs in one or more other LHRs. The check for duplicate barcodes considers barcodes in 852, 876, 877, 878, 863, 864, and 865 fields.

This helps you to avoid duplicates. However, you can still decide to add or save the barcode.


Please note that checking duplicate barcodes in the MARC 21 editor and the text-view editor works differently within WorldShare Management Services (WMS). When creating or editing LHRs in the text-view mode there has always been a barcode duplicate check that reports "Barcode already exists" if you try to add a barcode that exists in another LHR. This message cannot be ignored and there's no way to save a duplicate barcode.

In the MARC 21 editor, you can decide to ignore the duplicate barcode warning and save a barcode that already exists in other LHRs.

 Note: This functionality was prioritized highly on our WorldShare Record Manager Community Feedback Survey

Number of rows selector now available for copies and holdings 

You can now select the number of rows that can be displayed on the Copies screen for the duration of the current session. The options in the Rows dropdown are 10, 20, 50, 100.



BIBCO permission added to the Authorities LC NACO Name Authority File role 

Users who have been assigned the Authorities LC NACO Name Authority File role can now edit and replace bibliographic BIBCO records (042 pcc). Previously the permission to edit BIBCO records was only available for users with a Cataloging BIBCO role.

Bug fixes

Constant data records for Local Holdings Records (LHRs) with the 007 field out of order caused a page unresponsive error

Constant data records for Local Holdings Records (LHRs) with the 007 field out of order caused a page unresponsive error when applied to an LHR. Now the field order in the constant data record will not cause an error when applied to an LHR. 

Deleting WorldCat holdings on more than 100 records at a time in the Bibliographic Record Work List occasionally resulted in a server communication failed message

When deleting WorldCat holdings on more than 100 records at a time in the Bibliographic Record Work List, a server communication failed message occasionally appeared. Now, the server communication failed message no longer appears when deleting WorldCat holdings.

Barcodes with a plus character cannot be added to a Label Print List

Barcodes with a plus character cannot be added to a Label Print List using the Add Record(s) Using Barcode(s) option. Now, barcodes with a plus character can be added to the Label Print List. 

Important links

Release overview session

To help users become familiar with the new features, enhancements, and bug fixes included in this release please see a pre-recorded Release Overview session.

WorldShare Record Manager office hours

Join the WorldShare Record Manager team to ask any questions you have about Record Manager. Visit Record Manager Events in the OCLC Community Center for more information about upcoming office hours and previous recordings. 

WorldCat Validation release notes 

WorldCat Validation release notes provide current OCLC-MARC updates; changes to tagging conventions and coding practices for Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings records; and new MARC codes. 

​​​​​Virtual AskQC office hours

Join OCLC Metadata Quality staff to discuss WorldCat quality issues and cataloging questions. Visit AskQC for information about upcoming office hours, previous office hour recordings, and supporting materials.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: