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Dewey cutters

Discover how to set preferences for and apply the Dewey cutter to a bibliographic record in WorldShare Record Manager.


You can apply a cutter to your Dewey call number in your MARC 21 bibliographic records and saved in-progress records. It only supplies a cutter number and not a class number. The type of cutter number is based on your user preferences for the cutter type. Before applying the cutter number, this information must already be entered:

  • Class number in the 092 field $a
  • Text in either the one of the 1xx (preferred) fields or the 245 field

The cutter number is added to 092 field $b. If $b is empty, the cutter number is added; however, if $b contains text, the new information overwrites the existing information. If there are multiple $b subfields, the cutter number is entered in the first instance.

Set the cutter type preference for WorldCat bibliographic records

 Note: After setting a default cutter type, click Reset Form to restore original default settings.

  1. In the left navigation, click User Preferences.
  2. From the User Preferences screen, click Working with Records.
  3. For Default Cutter Type (092), select a cutter type.
    • Four-Figure (default)
    • Sanborn
  4. Click Save.

Apply the Dewey cutter to a WorldCat bibliographic record

  1. From the MARC 21 editor, select the 092 field and add the classification number in $a.
  2. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Apply Dewey Cutter. The cutter number is added to 092 field $b. If $b is empty, the cutter number is added; however, if $b contains text, the new information overwrites the existing information. If there are multiple $b subfields, the cutter number is entered in the first instance.