3. Data requirements for delete local holdings records collections
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LHR data sync will process MFHD records that contain, at a minimum, a valid OCLC control number and enough information to successfully translate local location codes into valid OCLC institution symbol and holding library code combinations in 852 ‡a and ‡b, respectively, of the WorldCat LHRs.
While LHRs are based on MFHD, there are a few key aspects of OCLC's implementation of the standard that should be noted:
- WorldCat LHRs are copy-specific, separate holdings records.
- OCLC does not process holdings for multiple locations in one holdings record.
Note: It is imperative that all holdings records associated with a specific bibliographic record are always included in the same file. If only one holdings record in a set attached to a single bibliographic record has changed, you must send the whole set of holdings records (not just the changed record). OCLC requires all holdings records for a bibliographic record because data sync processing does not match individual holdings records.
OCLC Control Number
Every record submitted for your LHR data sync collection must contain a single valid OCLC control number (OCN) for the corresponding WorldCat bibliographic record. This can be the 004, 014, and 035 field but it must consistently be in the same location in all records. OCLC knows where to find the OCN based on your selection in the collection.
004 - Control Number for Related Bibliographic Record (NR)
When field 004 is selected, a number will be recognized as the OCLC control number if it has no prefix or an accepted prefix. Accepted 004 prefixes are:
- (OCoLC)
- (OCoLC)ocl7
- (OCoLC)ocm
- (OCoLC)ocn
- (OCoLC)on
- ocl7
- ocm
- ocn
- on
Field 004 is not repeatable in MFHD; no more than one 004 field should be present in a record.
014 - Linkage Number (R)
When field 014 is selected, a number in subfield ‡a will be recognized as the OCLC control number only when subfield ‡b contains 'OCoLC'.
Field 014 is repeatable in MFHD; no more than one 014 field containing an OCN should be present in a record; 014 fields containing other numbers are allowed.
035 - System Control Number (R)
When field 035 is selected, a number in subfield ‡a will be recognized as the OCLC control number only when the number follows an accepted prefix. Accepted 035 ‡a prefixes are:
- (OCoLC)
- (OCoLC)ocl7
- (OCoLC)ocm
- (OCoLC)ocn
- (OCoLC)on
- ocl7
- ocm
- ocn
- on
Field 035 is repeatable in MFHD; no more than one 035 field containing an OCN should be present in a record; 035 fields containing other numbers are allowed.
Location codes for 852 ‡a and ‡b
All OCLC LHRs must contain an 852 field with a valid OCLC institution symbol and holding library code combination in 852 ‡a and ‡b, respectively. Once your initial data is received, an OCLC Database Specialist will be assigned to your collection. They will review the source data and work with you to create a Holdings Translation Table. This table is used during processing to map your local location codes to an OCLC institution symbol in 852 subfield ‡a; a 4-character OCLC-profiled holding library code in 852 ‡b; and, in some cases, a shelving location in 852 ‡c of the WorldCat LHRs. It can also be used to set the lending and reproduction policy bytes of the 008 field (008/20 and 008/21, respectively).
Please see Holdings translation tables for more information.
Caution: Field 852 is NOT repeatable in the OCLC LHR format.
The presence of other MFHD fields will vary depending on content. OCLC will supply default values for certain elements if they are lacking or invalid.
LHRs may be loaded to WorldCat with validation errors that will be subsequently reported for correction.