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WebDewey record notes

Learn how WebDewey record notes function in WebDewey.


Below the hierarchy display, a WebDewey record may contain one or more notes. Notes serve the following purposes:  

  • Describe what is found in the current class. Such notes may define the class, clarify its scope, give examples of subjects that belong in the class, or indicate where interdisciplinary and comprehensive works are classed.
  • Identify topics with standing room in the number where the note is found. Standing room numbers provide a location for topics with relatively few works written about them, but whose literature may grow in the future, at which time they may be assigned their own number.
  • Describe related topics found in other classes. Such notes may list topics to be classed elsewhere in the DDC, or provide See or See Also references. In WebDewey, cross references include hyperlinks to the referenced record. Click the linked DDC number to view the cited record.
  • Explain changes or irregularities in the schedules or tables. Such notes may identify a revised, discontinued, or relocated class or instruct classifiers not to use the current number.
  • Some WebDewey records contain a link labeled Segmentation Instruction in the Notes field. Segmentation instructions explain how tosegment numbers that you build. This information is generally needed only by national libraries and other large agencies.

User notes

  • If you have created notes associated with a DDC record, they appear after other notes in an area labeled User Notes.
  • To edit a user note associated with the DDC record you are viewing, click the Edit button that follows the note title.