843 Reproduction Note (R)
Indicators and subfield codes
First Indicator
Second Indicator
Subfield Codes
‡a Type of reproduction (NR)
‡b Place of reproduction (R)
‡c Agency responsible for reproduction (R)
‡d Date of reproduction (NR)
‡e Physical description of reproduction (NR)
‡f Series statement of reproduction (R)
‡m Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced (R)
‡n Note about reproduction (R)
‡3 Materials specified (NR)
‡5 Institution to which field applies (NR)
‡7 Fixed-length data elements of reproduction (NR)
/0 Type of date/Publication status
/1-4 Date 1
/5-8 Date 2
/9-11 Place of publication, production, or execution
/12 Frequency
/13 Regularity
/14 Form of item
‡8 Field link and sequence number (R)
Field definition and scope
This field contains information that describes an item that is a reproduction of original materials. The original item is described in the main portion of the bibliographic record and data relevant to the reproduction are given as a note in field 843 in the holdings record when they differ from the information describing the original. It is used whenever an institution chooses to have the description reflect the original and the notes reflect information about the copy. This field is similar to field 533 (Reproduction Note) defined in OCLC's bibliographic format
Guidelines for applying content designations
For records formulated according to AACR cataloging rules, elements of field 843 are generally separated by ISBD punctuation.
Both indicators are undefined; each contains a blank ().
First Indicator - Privacy
- Undefined
Second Indicator - Undefined
- Undefined
‡a - Type of reproduction
Subfield ‡a contains the introductory phrase which identifies the type of reproduction being described. The introductory phrase ends with a period.
843 Microfilm. ‡b Washington, D.C. : ‡c United States Historical Documents Institute, ‡d [1972] ‡e 12 reels; 35 mm. ‡7 s1972 dcun
‡b - Place of reproduction
Subfield ‡b contains the name of the place where the reproduction was made. When more than one place is given, subfield ‡b is repeated.
843 Fascism. ‡b Ithaca, N.Y. : ‡c Historical Urban Plans, ‡d 1968. ‡e mounted on cloth backing.
‡c - Agency responsible for reproduction
Subfield ‡c contains the agency responsible for the reproduction. If more than one agency is simultaneously responsible for the same reproduction, subfield ‡c is repeated.
843 Microfilm. ‡b Washington, D.C. : ‡c Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, ‡d 1987 ‡e 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. ‡7 s1987
‡d - Date of reproduction
Subfield ‡d contains the date when the reproduction was made. For continuing resources, the beginning and ending dates of the reproduction are given when available.
843 Microfilm. ‡m Jan. 1959-Apr. 1970. ‡b Ann Arbor, Mich. : ‡c University Microfilms, ‡d 1980. ‡7 d19491970miuuua
‡e - Physical description of reproduction
Subfield ‡e contains any physical description information about the reproduction. It normally contains the number of physical pieces and the dimensions of the reproduction. The polarity, when negative, is recorded in subfield ‡e as other physical details following the number of pieces and preceding the dimensions. For continuing resources, the number of microfilm reels, microfiches, etc., is recorded only when the microform set is complete.
843 Microfiche. ‡m Jan. 1930-Nov. 1945. ‡b Glen Rock, N.J. : ‡c Microfilming Corp. of America, ‡d 1975. ‡e 66 microfiches. ‡7 d19301945njumrb
843 Microfilm. ‡m 1950-1954. ‡b Millwood, N.Y. : ‡c KTO Microfilm, ‡d 1966. ‡e 5 microfilm reels : negative ; 35 mm. ‡7 d19501954nyuara
‡f - Series statement of reproduction
Subfield ‡f contains the series to which the reproduction belongs. Subfield ‡f is always enclosed in parentheses.
843 Microfiche. ‡b [New York : ‡c New York Public Library, ‡d 197-?] ‡e 4 microfiches : negative. ‡f (NYSPL FSN 14,023) ‡7 q19701979nyun b
‡m - Dates of publication and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced
Subfield ‡m contains the sequential designation and/or dates of publication of the original issues that have been reproduced.
843 Microfilm. ‡m 1962-1965. ‡b Ann Arbor, Mich. : ‡c University Microfilms International, ‡d 1988. ‡e 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. ‡7 d19621965miuuua
843 Microfilm. ‡m Vol. 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1983)-v. 1, no. 3 (June 1983). ‡b Berkeley, Calif. : ‡c University of California, Library Photographic Service, ‡d 1986. ‡e 1
microfilm reel ; 35 mm. ‡7 d19831983cauuua
‡n - Note about reproduction
Subfield ‡n contains a note pertaining to the reproduction. If more than one note is needed, subfield ‡n is repeated.
843 Microfilm. ‡m Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1837)-v. 20, no. 12 (Dec. 1856). ‡b Washington, D.C. ‡c Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, ‡d 1971. ‡e 3
microfilm reels; 35 mm. ‡n Issues for 853-1856 on reel with: Journal of the American Temperance Union and the New York prohibitionist, v. 21, no.
7 (July 1857)-v. 24 (1860).
‡3 - Materials specified
Subfield ‡3 contains information that indicates the part of the described material to which the field applies. When separate holdings records are made for each part of a bibliographic item, each record may contain a field 843 that contains a subfield ‡3 to specify the part to which the note applies. When holdings for all of the parts of a bibliographic item are contained in one holdings record (and there is no 863-865 Enumeration and Chronology field), subfield ‡3 may be used whenever a data element in field 843 differs for a specified part of the item.
843 ‡3 German Foreign Ministry Archives, 1867-1920 ‡a Microfilm. ‡b Whaddon Hall, Buckinghamshire, England ‡c American Historical Association. ‡e
434 rolls ‡f (Seized enemy records series). ‡7 n enkn
‡5 - Institution to which field applies
Subfield ‡5 contains the MARC code of the institution or organization that holds the copy to which the data in the field applies. It is used for institution-specific information that may or may not apply to the universal use of the holdings record. See MARC Code List for Organizations, which also includes links to Canadian, United Kingdom, and German MARC Organization Code lists.
‡7 - Fixed-length data elements of reproduction
Subfield ‡7 contains fifteen character positions (designated 0, 1-4, etc.) that contain coded information pertaining to the reproduction. The coded data elements correspond to those in the 008 field of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. The data elements are positionally defined. All character positions must contain either a defined code or a fill character (|).
0 Type of date/Publication status
Subfield ‡7/0 contains a one-character alphabetic code that indicates for the reproduction the type of dates given in 1-4 (Date 1) and 5-8
(Date 2). For serially-issued items, it also indicates the publication status of the reproduction; a serial code c, d, or u as described in 008/06
(Type of date/Publication status) is used.
Any code found in the description of 008/06 (Type of date/Publication status) may be used except code r (Reprint/reissue date and original
1-4 Date 1
Subfield ‡7/1-4 contains a date in the form yyyy specified by the value in 0.
For non-serials, 1-4 contains Date 1 information associated with the reproduction. The information is generally related to information found in
subfield ‡d of field 843.
For serially-issued items, 1-4 contains the original beginning date of publication of the issues that have been reproduced, as indicated in
subfield ‡m of field 843.
In coding these positions, the guidelines in 008/07-10 (Date 1) of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data are followed.
5-8 Date 2
Subfield ‡7/5-8 contains a date in the form yyyy specified by the value in 0.
For non-serials, 5-8 contains Date 2 information associated with the reproduction. The information is generally related to information found in
subfield ‡d of field 843.
For serially-issued items, 5-8 contains the original ending date of publication of the issues that have been reproduced, as indicated in subfield
‡m of field 843.
In coding these positions, the guidelines in 008/11-14 (Date 2) of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data are followed.
9-11 Place of publication, production, or execution
Subfield ‡7/9-11 contains a two- or three-character alphabetic code that indicates the place of publication, production, or ;execution of the
In coding these positions, the guidelines in 008/15-17 (Place of publication, production, or execution) of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic
Data are followed.
12 Frequency
Subfield ‡7/12 contains a one-character code that indicates the frequency of the reproduction. This element is used is conjunction with 13
(Regularity). One of the following codes is used:
# - No determinable frequency j - Three times a month
a - Annual k - Continuously updated
b - Bimonthly m - Monthly
c - Semiweekly n - Not applicable
d - Daily q - Quarterly
e - Biweekly s - Semimonthly
f - Semiannual t - Three times a year
g - Biennial u - Unknown
h - Triennial w - Weekly
i - Three times a week z - Other frequencies
13 Regularity
Subfield ‡7/13 contains a one-character code that indicates the regularity of a serial reproduction. This element is used in conjunction with 12
(Frequency). One of the following codes is used:
# - Not applicable x - Completely irregular
n - Normalized irregular u - Unknown
r - Regular
14 Form of item
Subfield ‡7/14 contains a one-character code that specifies the form of material for the reproduction in hand. The appropriate code found in
008/23 (Form of item) of the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data for books is used.
843 Microfilm. ‡b Washington, D.C. : ‡c Library of Congress, Photoduplication Service, ‡d 1990. ‡e 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. ‡7 s1990
dcun b
843 Microfilm. ‡b [New York : ‡c New York Public Library, ‡d 197-?] ‡e 4 microfiches: negative. ‡7 q19701979nyun b
843 Microfiche. ‡m 1961- ‡b Washington : ‡c U.S. G.P.O., ‡d 1990- ‡e microfiches: negative. ‡7 c19619999dcuarb
843 Microfilm. ‡m 1962-1965. ‡b Ann Arbor, Mich. : ‡c University Microfilms International, ‡d 1988. ‡e 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm. ‡7
Subfield ‡7 is always the last subfield in the field.
‡8 - Field link and sequence number
Subfield ‡8 contains data that identifies linked fields and may also propose a sequence for the linked fields. Subfield ‡8 may be repeated to link a field to more than one other group of fields.
The structure and syntax for the field link and sequence number subfield is: ‡8<linking number>.<sequence number>
The linking number is the first data element in the subfield and required if the subfield is used. It is a variable-length whole number that occurs in subfield ‡8 in all fields that are to be linked. Fields with the same linking number are considered linked. A linking number of "0" (zero) is not used in this field.
The sequence number is separated from the linking number by a period "." and may be optional. It is a variable-length whole number that may be used to indicate the relative order for display of the linked fields (lower sequence numbers displaying before higher ones).
Subfield ‡8 is always the first subfield in the field when it is used.