SCIPIO indexes
Find SCIPIO-specific and WorldCat indexes that can be used for retrieving SCIPIO records in Connexion client.
In the tables below, word, phrase (entire subfield) and whole phrase (entire field) versions of indexes are distinguished by whether the two-letter index label is followed by a colon (:), or by an equal sign (=), or by a letter "w" and an equal sign. See About searching WorldCat interactively for a detailed explanation of word, phrase, and whole phrase indexes.
Note: If you intend to use SCIPIO indexes, you should select to retrieve only SCIPIO records in settings. In Connexion client, navigate to Cataloging > Search > WorldCat > Settings and click Retrieve only SCIOPIO records.
SCIPIO-specific indexes
The following SCIPIO-specific indexes are available for searching both WorldCat records and SCIPIO-only records.
Index name | Index label(s) | Field and subfields indexed | Notes |
Auction house name | ah: ah= ahw= |
110 a-e n u | Indexes a subset of the existing WorldCat Corporate/conference name index. |
Citation | ci: ci= ciw= |
510 a c | |
Date of sale | ds: | 033 a |
Note: If results are limited to the SCIPIO index in settings when using the ds: index, results will not be retrieved if fewer than 5 numbers are included in the date. How to enter
Individual auctioneer | ia: ia= iaw= |
700 a-d l q u 796 a-d j q u |
Place of sale | ps: | 500 a 518 a |
Place of sale or auction usually appears in field 518 in the form: Place of sale: London or Place of auction: Overland Park, Kansas. Some records include place of sale in a 500 note (instead of 518) in the form: Place of sale: Cairo. For this index, the system matches data following the words Place of in 518 subfield a or 500 subfield a. Examples:
Sale code | sl: sl= |
024 a | |
Seller/subjects | cx: cx= cxw= |
600 a-d j q 653 a 696 a-d j q |
Existing WorldCat indexes helpful for retrieving SCIPIO records
Index name | Index label(s) | Field and subfields indexed | Notes |
Authentication code | ac: | 042 a scipio | This existing WorldCat index now includes the code for SCIPIO records. The code scipio in 042 a is the identifier that tells the system to include records in the SCIPIO scoped view (searches a subset of WorldCat records limited to SCIPIO only when you set the option). Connexion does not automatically add the field or code to new SCIPIO WorldCat records. SCIPIO catalogers must add it by entering manually or by applying a constant data record that contains it. |
Notes | nt: | 501 a 502 a 504 a 505 a r t 508 a 511 a 518 a 520 a b 521 a 533 a b c d e f n 534 a t 536 a-h 538 a 545 a 550 a 753 a b c |
An existing WorldCat index that can be used to search for notes pertinent to SCIPIO sale and for local notes. |