Create a bibliographic record from a workform
Discover how to create a bibliographic record from a workform in Connexion client.
The client provides workforms for all MARC record formats. Use a workform as a template for creating an original bibliographic record.
- Before creating a record, search WorldCat for existing records describing the item you want to catalog.
- If you find an existing record that matches the item exactly, use the record instead of creating a new one.
- If you find an existing record that closely matches or is related to the item, derive the new record from it.
- If you find no matching records, continue this procedure to create a record from a workform.
- To open a workform to create a new record in the appropriate MARC format, on the Cataloging menu, click one of the following commands or press the equivalent keystroke:
- Create > Single Record > Books or press <Ctrl><Shift><B>
- Create > Single Record > Computer Files or press <Ctrl><Shift><P>
- Create > Single Record > Continuing Resources or press <Ctrl><Shift><L>. Formerly called Serials; includes both serials and integrating resources material types.
- Create > Single Record > Maps or press <Ctrl><Shift><M>
- Create > Single Record > Mixed Materials or press <Ctrl><Shift><I>
- Create > Single Record > Scores or press <Ctrl><Shift><C>
- Create > Single Record > Sound Recordings or press <Ctrl><Shift><R>
- Create > Single Record > Visual Materials or press <Ctrl><Shift><V>
Results: MARC workforms contain the following default variable fields based on your cataloging profile:- Empty call number field appropriate for your profiled classification scheme. One of the following fields is inserted: 055, 070, 080, 086, 090, 092, or 096
- Field 049 containing your default holding library code.
- Add data, edit, or review the new record. See About creating bibliographic records for more information.
- Add the record to WorldCat, save it to the online or local save file, or submit it for peer review. See About creating bibliographic records for more information.
To prevent duplicate records, search WorldCat again, immediately before adding records to WorldCat to be sure that no other user has added a record since you began working on yours. Caution: If you are online and log off without adding the new record to WorldCat or saving it, your record is lost.
Note: When you retrieve an original record from the online save file and add it to WorldCat, the system deletes the record from the save file. Resave the record if you need to keep it for further processing.