Best practices for creating sharable metadata
- Last updated
- Jan 4, 2023
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Essentially there are four types of problems that we see when metadata are viewed outside the context of the collection home. These were generally described in a 2006 articlei published by First Monday.
Typical problems include:
- Lack of consistency within a single collection.
- Example: The use of both the Dublin Core
and elements to record some variant of the resource creation date.
- Example: The use of both the Dublin Core
Too much information. Example: Inclusion of technical information such as date digitized and type of scanner used.
Lack of key contextual information. Example: Exclusion of a collection name that is essential to make sense of the record.
Lack of conformance to technical standards. Example: Metadata encoded in XML with character encoding problems.
Likewise, Shreeves (2006) recommends several general practices which CONTENTdm collection administrators would do well to consider. They include:
- We encourage institutions to think carefully about how they might generate multiple views of resources using the metadata already created rather than simply sharing a single record describing everything about a resource.
- An institution should understand what an aggregator needs included in the metadata (learning standards? audience level?) to support its service and, when possible, work to meet those needs.
- Metadata aggregators can more effectively normalize records from metadata providers if all records within a defined set are consistent both semantically and syntactically.
- When multiple values are needed, the metadata element should be repeated.
And from M .J. Han, et al, at the University of Illinoisii come these further recommendations. Since their research focused on sharing CONTENTdm collection metadata with OAI harvesters, these are especially relevant to our community:
- Keep a balance between specificity and generality in defining local fields.
- Decide at the outset which locally defined fields are intended only for the local environment and which should be made available to aggregators.
- Be cognizant of how values will be created in the local environment.
- Maximize use of Qualified Dublin Core elements for labeling in the local environment.
- Consider taking field names and definitions, if possible, directly from other metadata standards such as EAD, VRA Core and CDWA when creating locally developed application profiles.
- Share the logic of mapping decisions with aggregators.
In the current metadata aggregation landscape, it is safe to assume that users search and browse for resources at an aggregator’s site then follow a link back to the home institution for access to the resource itself and any additional metadata. Therefore, when creating metadata for the purposes of inclusion in these aggregations, one can afford to be selective about the data elements included, with the understanding that a user will find his way to the local records for full contextual information. (Shreeves, 2006 )
On July 20, 2009, the OCLC Digital Collection Gateway became available to all CONTENTdm 5.1 users in the form of CONTENTdm WorldCat Sync. This integrated function enables a CONTENTdm collection administrator to map qualified and simple Dublin Core elements from digital items held in the CONTENTdm collection, to MARC fields, creating and modifying WorldCat records that are synchronized on a schedule set by the collection administrator. The Gateway thus represents a timely opportunity to provide specific Dublin Core metadata schemas for use in CONTENTdm and intended for OAI-PMH harvesting, and underscores a rather urgent need to provide advice to our community.
Below are some notes on creating and configuring metadata for discovery of digital items in
- For all fields that you want to display in WorldCat, configure the metadata fields in CONTENTdm so that those fields are mapped to an appropriate Dublin Core element . You can use any Simple Dublin Core and Qualified Dublin Core elements. We recommend using Qualified Dublin Core elements for the best mapping results.
- Date fields should use consistent date formatting.
- Metadata fields set to hidden in CONTENTdm are not available for use with the Digital Collection Gateway.
- If you opt to make a field non-searchable in CONTENTdm and map that field into the Digital Collection Gateway, the field will be searchable in
Core and recommended metadata elements
An element is a descriptive category of information about the resource .... All of the elements used to describe a resource together make up a record. (NCSU Libraries Core 1.0 Metadata Element Set Best Practices)
The following is a set of guidelines for understanding using and mapping Dublin Core elements according to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. It began as a guide for CONTENTdm collection administrators, and was expanded with the opening of the OCLC Digital Collection Gateway to WorldCat for all OAI-PMH compliant repositories. These guidelines promote the simplification of local information to enable better end-user discovery in an aggregated environment. As with any Best Practices Guide, it is recommended that catalogers follow basic rules of consistency with grammar and syntax (content standard) set forth in resources such as AACR2, DACS, CCO, etc., as well as incorporate the use of controlled vocabularies such as LCSH, AAT, MeSH, and authority lists such as LCNAF and ULAN or locally-grown thesauri as appropriate to the subject matter of a resource. For each digital collection, a collection -level record should be created along with item-level records. Metadata elements should contain labels most useful to the local environment, but should be mapped to standard Dublin Core elements .
A note about repeating fields: A number of works have been published offering best practices for configuring OAI-harvestable metadata. Although these works recommend repeating fields versus multiple values, in some cases multiple values (separated by a semicolon) are preferred for accuracy depending upon the level of complexity in configuring a collection using your digital collections management software and the OAI harvesting tool. For example, semicolon-separated values can be easily accommodated in CONTENTdm as well as display accurately when synced to via the Digital Collection Gateway. When in doubt, test your data sets against your chosen OAI harvester.
Explanation of table components
Element name | The unique name used in CONTENTdm Version 6.1 |
DC definition | Definition as stated in the DCMI Metadata Terms |
Required DC element |
Controlled vocabulary | Recommended for data quality and consistency |
Syntax scheme | Recommended syntax scheme used to structure the data contained in a given field |
DC Element Map | The Dublin Core element to which the CONTENTdm metadata field name maps |
MARC map in WorldCat | The OCLC MARC field to which the Dublin Core metadata element is crosswalked. |
Repeatable |
Best practices | Comments and other recommendations |
Core and recommended elements
- Title
Element name Title DC definition A name given to the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC element map Title (dc:title) MARC map in WorldCat 245 Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Prefer literal and non-numeric description of resource, excluding material -type information if possible.
- Prefer non -use of explanatory or qualifying symbols ( e.g., brackets to indicate cataloger-supplied title).
- If the recourse has multiple titles ( e.g., translated titles, etc.), prefer to use Title-Alternative element.
“Make the title descriptive yet brief. Use generic titles to bring together different images of the same subject, if possible (e.g., use Mayor Benjamin Bosse on all photos of him, so they display together by title).” – Metadata Guidelines, Evansville Photos Collection, Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library.
- Title-Alternative
Element name Title-Alternative DC definition An alternative name for the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Alternative Title (dcterms:alternative) MARC map in WorldCat 246 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Secondary titles should be used in Title-Alternative
- Creator
Element name Creator DC definition An entity primarily responsible for making the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary LCNAF, ULAN Syntax scheme DC Element Map Creator (dc:creator) MARC map in WorldCat 720 Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Examples of a Creator include a person, an organization, etc.
- “Prefer use of Name (personal or corporate) Authority Source to be used consistently throughout description of a resource and from one resource to another.” - Metadata Implementation Guidelines for North Carolina Digital State Documents
- Prefer non-use of "junk value" (e.g., Unknown) however, it is appropriate to qualify named entities with [role].
- display mapping: dc:creator maps to MARC 720 by default in the Gateway. To enhance precision in fielded searching within, map dc:creator to MARC 100 (for Personal Name) or 110 (For Corporate Name).
“Do not use honorifics, titles, or nicknames unless it is necessary to disambiguate (e.g., the first name of the person is unknown). Otherwise, these alternate forms of names (such as “Buddy” Jones; Reverend Murrell; Dr. Reed) may be used in the Description field but not as the authoritative version....” – Huntington Digital Library Guidelines, The Huntington Library
- Contributors
Element name Contributors DC definition An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary LCNAF, ULAN Syntax scheme DC Element Map Contributor (dc:contributor) MARC map in WorldCat 720 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Examples of a Contributor include a person (e.g., additional writer, illustrator, editor, finding aid author, etc.), an organization, etc .
- Contributors are named so because their responsibility for the creation of a work is not equal to that named as Creator.
- Prefer use of Name (personal or corporate) Authority Source to be used consistently throughout description of a resource and from one resource to another.
- Prefer non -use of "junk value" ( e.g., Unknown) however, it is appropriate to qualify named entities with [role].
“Persons or organizations who made significant intellectual contributions to the resource, but whose contribution is usually secondary to the person or organization specified in the Creator element. Examples include co -author, editor, transcriber, translator, illustrator, etc.” – Metadata Implementation Guidelines for North Carolina Digital State Documents
- Description
Element name Description DC definition An account of the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Description (dc:description) MARC map in WorldCat 520 [8] Repeatable Yes Best practices - Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
- Some digital collections management practitioners prefer the local practice of mapping separate Table of contents, abstract, and similar local elements, to description.
- Prefer collection-based cataloger decision on enabling full-text searching for this field.
- If data type Full Text Search, prefer no mapping to WorldCat. See Description-Abstract element.
- If data type Text, prefer mapping wc.Summary (MARC 520 [8 ]) .
“Also include any other information a searcher might need to find an image through a keyword search or to understand the context of the image: Is there a view of the Mississippi River? Was a photograph taken from the future site of a university library? Does a building no longer exist? What location was a photograph taken from? Is it an aerial view” – WAICU Metadata Guide
- Description-Abstract
Element name Description-Abstract DC definition A summary of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Abstract (dcterms:abstract) MARC map in WorldCat 520 [3] Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - With CONTENTdm, only one Full Text Search field per collection is allowed; therefore if Description field is of data type Full Text Search, Description-Abstract will be of Text data type.
- Description-Table Of Contents
Element name Description-Table Of Contents DC definition A list of sub-units of the resource Required Recommended as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Table Of Contents (dcterms:tableOfContents) MARC map in WorldCat 505 [8] Repeatable Not preferred Best practices Example:
Chapter 1: Getting started.............1
Next steps...............................3
- Publisher
Element name Publisher DC definition An entity responsible for making the resource available Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary LCNAF Syntax scheme DC Element Map Publisher (dc:publisher) MARC map in WorldCat 260 $b Repeatable Yes Best practices - Examples of a Publisher include a person, an organization, etc.
- Prefer use of Name (personal or corporate) Authority Source to be used consistently throughout description of a resource and from one resource to another.
- Prefer non-use of "junk value" ( e.g., Unknown).
- Prefer “digitized by” or other text prefix to qualify value; Gateway allows both prefix and suffix text constants for each field in every profile.
“The entity responsible for making the Resource available in its present form, such as a corporate publisher, a university department, or a cultural institution.” – University of Wisconsin Digital Library Data Dictionary
- Subject
Element name Subject DC definition The topic of the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary DDC, LCC, LCSH, MeSH, UDC, LCNAF, AAT, TGN Syntax scheme DC Element Map Subject (dc:subject) MARC map in WorldCat MARC 650 (controlled)/MARC 653 (uncontrolled) Repeatable Yes Best practices - Typically, the subject will be represented using keywords, key phrases, or classification codes. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary.
- display mapping: prefer map to MARC 650 if controlled, to MARC 653 if uncontrolled.
- To describe the spatial or temporal topic of the resource, use the Coverage element.
“Use subject terms that describe what an object is as well as what it is about. Example 1: Mural painting and decoration; Derry (Northern Ireland); Ireland— History — Easter Rising, 1916.” – Guidelines for Metadata Application in the Claremont Colleges Digital Library
- Identifier
Element name Identifier DC definition An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Identifier (dc:identifier) MARC map in WorldCat 856 $u (URL), 024 (non-URL) Repeatable Yes* Best practices URL: Gateway selects the first Identifier that contains a URL and makes it the default value for the resolution URL in MARC 856 $u.
Thumbnail display images:
CONTENTdm supplies the Reference URL to Identifier. This not only provides the resolution URL but also automatically generates the thumbnail for
*Repeatability: It will take all other URLs in repeating Identifier fields, and place them in repeating 856 fields but with no $3 text.
• Non -URL: Examples include accession number, ISBN, photo negative job/roll/frame number, call number, etc.
Digital Collection Gateway automatically populates a value for a non-URL Identifier (MARC 024).
“If contributing a digital resource to a collaborative digital collection, consider prefixing the character string with an institutional code to keep your resources distinguishable from those owned by other institutions.” –Mountain West Digital Library Metadata Group Recommended best practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.
- Language
Element name Language DC definition Language of the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme ISO 639-2, RFC 1766, RFC 3066, RFC 4646 DC Element Map Language (dc:language) MARC map in WorldCat 546 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Multiple values are often used when a resource contains more than one language.
“Separate terms by semi-colon (;) and a space. For example, for French and English: fre; eng” – Metadata Supplement for Fashion Plate Collection, Claremont Colleges Digital Library
- Rights
Element name Rights DC definition Information about rights held in and over the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Rights (dc:rights) MARC map in WorldCat 540 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Prefer free text statement of rights to a "lonely" URL.
- Rights information includes a statement about various property rights associated with the resource, including intellectual property rights.
- Rights statements should provide references or contact information. Additional clarification can be indicated via linking to an institutional policy statement or other web resource.
“These statements should be given in the form: Rights status. Reproduction/use restrictions. Further information.” – Core 1.0 Metadata Element Set Best Practices, NCSU Libraries
- Rights-Access Rights
Element name Rights-Access Rights DC definition Information about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status. Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Access Rights (dcterms:accessRights) MARC map in WorldCat ( 506##$a enhancement recommended ) Repeatable Yes Best practices Access rights may include information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. - Rights-Rights Holder
Element name Rights - Rights Holder DC definition A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Rights holder (dcterms:rightsHolder) MARC map in WorldCat Repeatable Yes Best practices - Prefer to include the name of the copyright holder and the contact information.
- Type
Element name Type DC definition The nature or genre of the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary DCMI Syntax scheme DC Element Map Type (dc:type) MARC map in WorldCat 655 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Moving images, three-dimensional objects and sound recordings are all examples of Resource Types.
- Prefer DCMI Type Vocabulary for controlled list of authorized terms: -type -vocabulary/
- To describe the file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource, use the Format element.
“This element should be populated from the DCMI type vocabulary, a controlled listing of genre types. It may be automatically populated, based on characteristics of the repository.” – NCSU Libraries Core 1.0 Metadata Element Set Best Practices
- Format
Element name Format DC definition The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary MIME, AAT Syntax scheme DC Element Map Format (dc:format) MARC map in WorldCat 500 (General Note) Repeatable Yes Best practices - Examples of dimensions include size and duration.
- Prefer use of Internet Media Types [MIME] or two -part (type/subtype) identifier in a single string: -types/. E.g., audio/mp3; image/jpg; application/pdf; text/html.
“New media types and applications are always emerging. If the resource format being described is not yet part of the MIME type list, select a broad category of object format for the first part of the MIME type, then use the file name suffix for the second half.” – University of Louisville CONTENTdm Cookbook
- Format-Extent
Element name Format-Extent DC definition The size or duration of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Extent (dcterms:extent) MARC map in WorldCat 300 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Examples include a number of pages, a specification of length, width, and breadth, or a period in hours, minutes, and seconds. E.g., 109,568 bytes; 00:16 minutes.
- Format-Medium
Element name Format-Medium DC definition The material or physical carrier of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Medium (dcterms:medium) MARC map in WorldCat 300, 340 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Used for Physical Resource only
- Examples include paper, canvas, or DVD
- Date
Element name Date DC definition A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date (dc:date) MARC map in WorldCat 260 $c Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Date may be used to express temporal information at any level of granularity. Recommended best practice is to use an encoding scheme, such as the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601 [W3CDTF]. See Appendix B: Dates
- Prefer non-use of "junk value" ( e.g., Unknown).
- If more than one date is going to be used to describe the resource, it is recommended to use the sub-elements of Date to clarify the type of date, such as Date-Accepted, Date-Issued, etc.
- If only one Date value is present, users may choose to use the Gateway Prefix/Suffix feature to explain the context of the date given, e.g., a literal such as “Digitally published.” By default, Gateway maps dc:date to MARC 260 $6 (Date of publication, distribution).
“Similarly, if you will describe both physical and digital manifestation properties in your local system using unique field names, consider whether you intend to follow the Dublin Core one-to-one principle, in which case only metadata about one manifestation will be mapped and made available to aggregators.” – Metadata for Special Collections in CONTENTdm: How to improve interoperability of Unique Fields through OAI-PMH
- Date-Accepted
Element name Date-Accepted DC definition Date of acceptance of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Accepted (dcterms:dateAccepted) MARC map in WorldCat ( 502##$a enhancement recommended) Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Examples of resources to which a Date Accepted may be relevant are a thesis (accepted by a university department) or an article (accepted by a journal).
- Prefer to use the “Prefix/Suffix” feature in Gateway with label "Date Accepted." E.g., Date Accepted 2010 - 03 - 17.
- Date-Submitted
Element name Date-Submitted DC definition Date of submission of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Submitted (dcterms:dateSubmitted) MARC map in WorldCat (502##$a enhancement recommended) Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Examples of resources to which a Date Submitted may be relevant are a thesis (submitted to a university department) or an article (submitted to a journal).
- Prefer to use the “Prefix/Suffix” feature in Gateway with label "Date Submitted." E.g., Date Submitted 2010 - 03 - 15.
- Date-Created
Element name Date-Created DC definition Date of creation of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Created (dcterms:created) MARC map in WorldCat 046 $k Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Prefer to use the “Prefix/Suffix” feature in Gateway with label "Date Created."
- Date-Available
Element name Date-Available DC definition Date (often a range) that the resource became or will become available Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Available (dcterms:available) MARC map in WorldCat 307 8# Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Prefer to use the “Prefix/Suffix” feature in Gateway with label "Date Available."
- Date-Valid
Element name Date-Valid DC definition Date (often a range) of validity of a resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Valid (dcterms:valid) MARC map in WorldCat 046 $m Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Prefer to use the “Prefix/Suffix” feature in Gateway with label "Date Valid."
- Date-Copyrighted
Element name Date-Copyrighted DC definition Date of copyright Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Copyrighted (dcterms:dateCopyrighted) MARC map in WorldCat 260 $c Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Prefer to use the “Prefix/Suffix” feature in Gateway with label "Date Copyrighted ". E.g., Date Copyrighted 2010- 03.
- • Both dcterms:dateCopyrighted and dcterms:issued are mapped to MARC 260 $c by default in Gateway.
- Date-Issued
Element name Date-Issued DC definition Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource Required Core, recommended Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Issued (dcterms:issued) MARC map in WorldCat 260 $c Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Both dcterms:dateCopyrighted and dcterms:issued are mapped to MARC 260 $c by default in Gateway.
- Prefer to use the “Prefix/Suffix” feature in Gateway with label "Date Issued."
- Source
Element name Source DC definition A related resource from which the described resource is derived Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Source (dc:source) MARC map in WorldCat 786 [08] Repeatable Yes Best practices - Prefer use of free text description incl., Collection Name, Accession Number, Physical Dimensions for graphic materials and Repository information.
- Prefer “Original Format” or other text prefix to qualify value.
“Enter information about the original item before digitization as follows: genre of item: collection name, name of box, number of bin. Ex: 35 mm color slide: Larry Oglesby Collection, Morro Bay FT, bin #8” – Data Dictionary for Larry Oglesby Collection, LO C — Claremont Colleges Digital Library
- Relation
Element name Relation DC definition A related resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Relation (dc:relation) MARC map in WorldCat 787 Repeatable Yes* Best practices - Include sufficient information in the Relation element to enable users to identify, cite, and either locate or link to the related resource.
- *Some communities of practice reference both the Physical Collection and the Digital Collection.
- When applicable, use the more specific sub-elements.
“The described resource is a physical or logical part of the referenced resource.” – University of Wisconsin Digital Library Data Dictionary
- Relation-Has Format Of
Element name Relation-Has Format Of DC definition A related resource that is substantially the same as the pre-existing described resource, but in another format. Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Has Format (dcterms:hasFormat) MARC map in WorldCat 776 08 $n Repeatable Yes Best practices - The described resource is treated as the primary/pre-existing resource. For example, the postcard, "See Seattle" postcard, Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, 1909, Has format of TIFF, scanned from original text, "See Seattle" postcard digital reproduction, Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, 1909, at 400 dpi. (See Relation - Is Format Of element).
- Relation-Is Format Of
Element name Relation-Is Format Of DC definition A related resource that is substantially the same as the described resource, but in another format. Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Is Format Of (dcterms:isFormatOf) MARC map in WorldCat 776 08 $n Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - The described resource is treated as the secondary/supplement recourse. For example, the TIFF image, "See Seattle" postcard digital reproduction, Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, 1909 , Is Format Of the original postcard, "See Seattle" postcard, Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, 1909 , in 7 x 5 1/2 inch. ( See Relation - Has Format Of element).
- Relation-Has Part
Element name Relation-Has Part DC definition A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Has Part (dcterms:hasPart) MARC map in WorldCat 774 08 $n Repeatable Yes Best practices “(For example) The described resource is an anthology that includes this article as well as other articles, each of which is described in another Relation [HasPart] element.” - CDP Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices Version 2.1. - Relation-Is Part Of
Element name Relation-Is Part Of DC definition A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included. Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Is Part Of (dcterms:isPartOf) MARC map in WorldCat 773 0# $t Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - Used to state the collection to which this resource belongs. E.g., for Articles, this element indicates the host item (e.g., journal, series, etc.)
“The described resource is a physical or logical part of the referenced resource.” – University of Wisconsin Digital Library Data Dictionary
- Relation-Has Version
Element name Relation-Has Version DC definition A related resource that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Has Version (dcterms:hasVersion) MARC map in WorldCat 775 08 $n Repeatable Yes Best practices - For example, Microsoft Office software Has Version Microsoft Office 97, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2010, etc.
- Relation-Is Version Of
Element name Relation-Is Version Of DC definition A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Is Version Of (dcterms:isVersionOf) MARC map in WorldCat 775 08 $n Repeatable Not preferred Best practices - For example, The Lord of the rings published by London: HarperCollins, in 2009 Is Version Of The Lord of the rings published by LONGMAN YORK PRESS in 1940s.
“Changes in version imply substantive changes in content rather than differences in format. ” - CDP Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices Version 2.1
- Relation-Replaces
Element name Relation-Replaces DC definition A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Replaces (dcterms:replaces) MARC map in WorldCat 780 00 $n Repeatable Yes Best practices - For example, Best Practices for CONTENTdm and other OAI -PMH compliant repositories 3.0 Replaces Best Practices for CONTENTdm and other OAI - PMH compliant repositories 1.0.
- Relation-Is Replaced By
Element name Relation-Is Replaced By DC definition A related resource that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Is Replaced By (dcterms:isReplacedBy) MARC map in WorldCat 785 00 $n Repeatable Yes Best practices For example, Best Practices for CONTENTdm and other OAI -PMH compliant repositories 1.0 Is Replaced By Best Practices for CONTENTdm and other OAI - PMH compliant repositories 3.0. - Relation-Requires
Element name Relation-Requires DC definition A related resource that is required by the described resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Requires (dcterms:requires) MARC map in WorldCat 538 Repeatable Yes Best practices - This could be the technical information about an item. For example, a downloadable article Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 6.0.
“When the resource being described requires the use of software, hardware, or other infrastructures that are external to the resource itself, record that information in the Relation [Requires] element. For example, if a Dublin Core record for the digitized version of a hand- written letter is delivered to the user as a PDF file, Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is external to the resource being described) is required to view that PDF file” – CDP Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices Version 2.1
- Relation-Is Required By
Element name Relation-Is Required By DC definition A related resource that requires the described resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Is Required By (dcterms:isRequiredBy) MARC map in WorldCat 787 08 $n Repeatable Yes Best practices - For example, the described resource is a life sciences dataset underline the scientific findings and Is Required By the paper, Making Logistic Regression A Core Data Mining Tool With TR-IRLS.
- Coverage
Element name Coverage DC definition The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Coverage (dc:coverage) MARC map in WorldCat 500 Repeatable Yes Best practices - A location, period of time, or jurisdiction of described resources. Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named place or a location specified by its geographic coordinates. Temporal topic may be a named period, date, or date range. A jurisdiction may be a named administrative entity or a geographic place to which the resource applies.
- For Spatial topic, prefer to use Coverage-Spatial element. For temporal topic, prefer to use Coverage-Temporal element.
“For artifacts or art objects, the spatial characteristics usually refer to the place where the artifact/object originated while the temporal characteristics refer to the date or time period during which the artifact/object was made.“ - CDP Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices Version 2.1
- Coverage-Spatial
Element name Coverage-Spatial DC definition Spatial characteristics of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary TGN, GNIS, LCNAF Syntax scheme DC Element Map Spatial Coverage (dcterms:spatial) MARC map in WorldCat 522 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Prefer use of standard controlled vocabularies and name authority sources , such as Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN].
- Some communities of practice reference geographic information system coordinates, such as those made available by Google Earth®
“Currently recommended by the “Collaborative Digitization Project Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices” guide for use only ‘in describing maps, globes, and cartographic resources or when place or time period cannot be adequately expressed using the Subject element.’ Coverage spatial refers to the extent or scope of the content of the resource ( e.g., place shown on a map or in a photograph, or geographic locations that are the topic of a manuscript), not the place of publication or digitization.” - Metadata Best Practices Guide, Western Michigan University Libraries
- Coverage-Temporal
Element name Coverage-Temporal DC definition Temporal characteristics of the resource Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary AAT , LCSH Syntax scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Temporal Coverage (dcterms:temporal) MARC map in WorldCat 648 Repeatable Yes Best practices - Use to describe the time period covered or represented by the resource, not the date when the resource was published. Temporal topic may be a named period, date, or date range.
- If using a named period, use a controlled vocabulary if possible such as Library of Congress Subjects (LCSH).
- Where appropriate, time periods can be date ranges in ISO 8601 W3C Date/Time Format standard.
“Usually a date or range of dates, but can be a named time period (e.g., Renaissance). Temporal coverage ‘refers to the time period covered by the intellectual content of the resource (CDP Dublin Core Metadata Best Practices (CDPDCMBP)),’ not the date of publication or digitization. It can refer to the time period shown in an image, the topic of a written manuscript, the time period covered in a series of diary entries, or, for art objects or artifacts, the date or time period of creation of the piece.” - Metadata Best Practices Guide, Western Michigan University Libraries
- Audience
Element name Audience DC definition A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Audience (dcterms:audience) MARC map in WorldCat ( 521##$a enhancement recommended) Repeatable Yes Best practices - Examples of Audience include students, women, charities, lecturers.
- Provenance
Element name Provenance DC definition A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation Required Recommended, as appropriate Controlled vocabulary Syntax scheme DC Element Map Provenance (dcterms:provenance) MARC map in WorldCat ( 561##$a enhancement recommended) Repeatable Yes Best practices - The statement may include a description of any changes successive custodians made to the resource.
“Provenance, from the French provenir, "to come from," refers to the chronology of the ownership or location of an historical object.” - Oxford English Dictionary
i Moving towards shareable metadata by Sarah L. Shreeves, Jenn Riley, and Liz Milewicz
First Monday, Volume 11, number 8 - 7 (August 2006),
ii Han, Myung-Ja, Cho, Christine, Cole, Timothy W. and Jackson, Amy S. (2009) "Metadata for Special Collections in CONTENTdm: How to Improve Interoperability of Unique Fields Through OAI-PMH,"
Journal of Library Metadata, 9: Issue 3 - 4 , 213 - 238.
- iii Members of the original CONTENTdm Metadata Working Group, Aug-Dec 2009
Sheila Bair Western Michigan University Dachun Bao National Defense University Amalia (Molly) Beisler University of Nevada Reno Megan Bernal Depaul University Laura Capell University of Southern Mississippi MingYu Chen University of Houston Mei Ling Chow Montclair University Kevin Clair Penn State University Lee Dotson University of Central Florida Mario Einaudi The Huntington Library Allegra Gonzalez Claremont Colleges Digital Library Deborah Green University of Idaho Myung-Ja (MJ) Han University of Illinois U-C Rachel Howard University of Louisville Amanda A Hurford Ball State University Andrea Kappler Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library Deborah Keller US Army Kate Kluttz North Carolina State Library Lyn MacCorkle University of Miami Sandra McIntyre Mountain West Digital Library sandra.mcintyre@UTAH.EDU Gail McMillan Virginia Tech Ann Olszewski Cleveland Public Library Jennifer Palmentiero SE NY Library Resources Council Kitty Pittman Oklahoma State Library Gayle Porter Chicago State University Gayle Spears Atlanta University Center Jill Strass St. Olaf University Glee M Willis University of Nevada Reno Ling Wang University of Illinois Chicago Noelia Ramos Map Library of Catalonia Shilpa Rele University of Miami Cheryl Walters Utah State University Trashinda Wright Atlanta University Center ZeeZee Zamin Louisiana State University/LOUIS Joined 2012:
Natalie BulickIndiana State University
- History and acknowledgements
Throughout the digital repository landscape, it is increasingly accepted that metadata needs not only to serve the local community but also be suitable for harvesting externally. The challenge is to sustain useful local information while providing context and perspective to both the local and the remote user. Because each metadata standard and each collection management toolset may derive its own 'best practice,’ it is incumbent upon each community of practice to provide leadership from its constituents' particular points of view.
Thus, in August 2009, OCLC Digital Collection Services (DCS) convened the CONTENTdm Metadata Working Group (MWG) to create a 'best practices' guideline for our community. Discussions followed presentations given at regional and national CONTENTdm Users Groups, and collaborative work was undertaken using the tools familiar to the collective — CONTENTdm, WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway (Gateway) and various social networking environments. The discussion focused on members’ research and publications, and on their efforts to develop, optimize and standardize CONTENTdm metadata element sets such that materials are discoverable easily both in the local CONTENTdm environment as well as across repositories into which their metadata might be harvested according to the standard OAI protocols.
OCLC DCS allocated CONTENTdm servers and trained the MWG members to use the Gateway to map qualified Dublin Core metadata and test them against displays and WorldCat MARC fields. In the course of the work, the MWG untied several knotty issues and made suggestions resulting in significant improvements to the Gateway. In July, 2010, the Gateway was opened to any OAI -PMH compliant repository.
OCLC Digital Collection Services would like to thank the participants in the CONTENTdm Metadata Working Groupiii, and their colleagues, for their invaluable contribution to this guide, most recently editorial advice on version 3 from Natalie Bulick, Metadata Librarian at the Cunningham Memorial Library, Indiana State University.
Special thanks to Yan Ren, Metadata Specialist and MSIM Candidate, University of Washington iSchool. Yan served as an OCLC Digital Collection Services Intern, Fall 2011, and edited version 3 for inclusion of the full complement of dcterms.
- Appendix A: Additional dcterms available
Identifier-Bibliographic Citation
Element Name Identifier-Bibliographic Citation DC Definition A bibliographic reference for the resource Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Bibliographic Citation (dcterms:bibliographicCitation) MARC map in WorldCat (500 ##a enhancement recommended) REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES - Used for Bibliographic Resource only.
- Recommended practice is to include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify the resource as unambiguously as possible.
- Prefer "Bibliographic citation" to qualify value.
Element Name Rights-License DC Definition A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map License (dcterms:license) MARC MAP IN WWORLDCAT ( 540##$a enhancement recommended) REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES Date-Modified
Element Name Date-Modified DC Definition Date on which the resource was changed Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme W3CDTF DC Element Map Date Modified (dcterms:modified) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT 046 $j REPEATABLE Not preferred BEST PRACTICES Relation-Conforms To
Element Name Relation-Conforms To DC Definition An established standard to which the described resource conforms Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Conforms To (dcterms:conformsTo) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT 514 $e (Data Quality Note) REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES - The standard is a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated.
Element Name Relation-References DC Definition A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map References (dcterms:references) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT 787 08 $n REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES Relation-Is Referenced By
Element Name Relation-Is Referenced By DC Definition A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Is Referenced By (dcterms:isReferencedBy MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT 510 0# REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES Audience-Education Level
Element Name Audience-Education Level DC Definition A class of entity, defined in terms of progression through an educational or training context, for which the described resource is intended Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Audience Education Level (dcterms:educationLevel) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT ( 521##$a enhancement recommended REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES Audience-Mediator
Element Name Audience-Mediator DC Definition An entity that mediates access to the resource and for whom the resource is intended or useful Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Mediator (dcterms:mediator) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT paste REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES - In an educational context, a mediator might be a parent, teacher, teaching assistant, or care-giver.
Instructional method
Element Name Instructional Method DC Definition A process, used to engender knowledge, attitudes and skills, that the described resource is designed to support Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Instructional Method ( dcterms:instructionalMethod) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES - Instructional Method will typically include ways of presenting instructional materials or conducting instructional activities, patterns of learner-to-learner and learner-to-instructor interactions, and mechanisms by which group and individual levels of learning are measured. Instructional methods include all aspects of the instruction and learning processes from planning and implementation through evaluation and feedback.
Accrual Method
Element Name Accrual Method DC Definition The method by which items are added to a collection Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Accrual Method (dcterms:accrualMethod) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT (541##$c enhancement recommended) REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES - Used for Collection type of resource only.
Accrual Periodicity
Element Name Accrual Periodicity DC Definition The frequency with which items are added to a collection. (Current Publication Frequency) Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Accrual Periodicity (dcterms:accrualPeriodicity) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT (310##$a enhancement recommended) REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES - Used for Collection type of resource only.
Accrual Policy
Element Name Accrual Policy DC Definition The policy governing the addition of items to a collection Required As appropriate Controlled Vocabulary Syntax Scheme DC Element Map Accrual Policy (dcterms:accrualPolicy) MARC MAP IN WORLDCAT REPEATABLE Yes BEST PRACTICES - Used for Collection type of resource only.
- A plan or course of action by an authority, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters.
- Appendix B: Moving towards marketing with metadata
- We have long recognized the need for effective marketing to increase discovery and delivery of digital collections. Enhancing descriptive metadata can move us in the right direction. Websites such as Flickr have adopted Web 2.0 social metadata standards such as tagging, in order to improve searchability for digital image material, and can leverage existing metadata to augment the user experience. There exists opportunity to further optimize descriptive metadata in otherwise well -aggregated digital collections. For example, there are many archival collections of historical material related to topics such as gold mining, railroad production, and other industries. The metadata used to describe these types of images can be quite literal and catalogers sometimes ‘miss the point’ -- failing to apply such key, albeit at times colloquial, descriptors as “boomtowns,” “Gold Rush,” or “Wild West.”
- While many controlled vocabularies are limited in their ability to incorporate this type of higher-level description, catalogers are encouraged to develop their own local controlled vocabularies based upon a convergence of subject terms (nouns, adjectives and verbs describing main topics) technical and style-based terms (unique image attributes such as image orientation, lens perspectives, and photographic techniques) and concept terms (ideas portrayed in an image). In, the ability to 32 create/name lists of items and apply social tags to items allows a high level of flexibility in accessing and managing content. Thus, the further integration of digital content into represents a unique opportunity for the special collections community to begin experimenting with these types of terminologies -focused workflow tasks to increase discovery.
- Appendix C:Dates
Date type Date example Known year-month-day 2001-10-19 Known year-month 2001-10 Known year 2001 One year or another 1892 or 1893 Circa year-month circa 1843-02 Decade certain 1970s Before a time period before 1867 After a time period after 1867 -- Guidelines for Metadata Application in the Claremont Colleges Digital Library
About Dates in CONTENTdm:
- CONTENTdm supports the “date” data type and is consistent with the ISO standard yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm and yyyy. You must use the date data type in order to provide searchable dates in CONTENTdm. However, many CONTENTdm users also provide a date field using the text data type. The fields shown in the latter five examples above would need to be configured as “text.”
- To enter a range of years, use the following guidelines:
- CONTENTdm Project Client - Use the yyyy-yyyy standard. Upon saving your metadata, the CONTENTdm Project Client will break out every date in the range.
- CONTENTdm Web Add - Type every single year in the date range separated by semicolon-space.
-Metadata Implementation Guidelines for North Carolina Digital State Document
- Appendix D: Metadata Schemas
- The following are examples of CONTENTdm metadata schemas that represent the vetted work of the CONTENTdm Metadata Working Group (MWG):
For photographic collections
For archival collections
- Appendix E: Compound Objects
- Addendum on the treatment of compound objects with respect to OAI harvesting Authors:
Geri Bunker Ingram, MLIS
OCLC Digital Collection ServicesMyung-Ja "MJ" Han
Metadata Librarian
Assistant Professor of Library Administration
University of Illinois at Urbana - ChampaignSheila Bair, MLIS
Metadata & Cataloging Librarian
Western Michigan University
During the drafting of the Best Practices Guide version 1.7, discussion arose among the Metadata Working Group concerning the special case of sharing metadata from CONTENTdm Compound Objects. Users may employ diverse strategies for sharing metadata, regard less of the material type or formats that are assembled as compound objects, and regardless of the OAI-PMH harvester that will be employed. A request was made to attach a statement to the guide explaining the implications of metadata schema definition and CONTENTdm field configuration when a collection containing Compound Objects is destined to be harvested.
CONTENTdm Definitions:
COMPOUND OBJECT –any two or more CONTENTdm items that are logically and structurally assembled together. Each compound object comprises:- A metadata record describing the object itself, (known as object -level metadata ).
- A metadata record (known as page-level metadata ) for each of the composite pages or items that make up the compound object.
ITEM —a single digital file and its affiliated metadata. In cases where there is metadata only —e.g., an image has not yet been scanned, the metadata is known as a “metadata only item.”
COMPOUND OBJECT CLASSES:- Document —a series of related items
- Monograph— a series of items related in hierarchical fashion
- Post card —a series of exactly two items that may be displayed on one screen using the compound object viewer (by default labeled “front” and “back”);
- Picture cube —a series of exactly six items (designed originally for scans of realia)
DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION (VIEW): One of several views of the compound object available from the compound object viewer. The metadata that displays through this view is the object-level metadata.
PAGE DESCRIPTION (VIEW): One of several views of the compound object available from the compound object viewer. The metadata that displays through this view is the page-level metadata.
Sharing metadata
With CONTENTdm, one can set a collection to be harvestable generally as long as the harvester is compliant, and one can also set a collection to be harvested by the Digital Collection Gateway specifically. With the former, CONTENTdm collection administrators can decide whether to enable the page-level metadata to be harvested. This is done in CONTENTdm Administration in the Server/Settings/OAI configuration function. With the Gateway, page-level metadata are never harvested, therefore the object-level metadata must be carefully considered. For other OAI harvesters, CONTENTdm collection administrators can decide whether and how fully to allow harvest of page-level metadata. Collection administrators should verify for every collection that the OAI configuration settings are correct for that particular collection. The implications for discovery and delivery vary depending upon the type of object at hand, and how well the Compound object-level (metadata of the object itself) is represented. Collection administrators must determine whether the document description (object-level metadata) is enough for resource discovery/retrieval outside of the context of the native CONTENTdm environment. If a harvester provides direct links back to the object in its repository environment, (as in, and if the object-level metadata is extensive enough to allow discovery of the object, then end-users can link directly to the original collection and re-issue the specific search criteria to retrieve relevant objects with ‘hits’ highlighted on each page of each compound object across the collections on the server.
Example--Enhancing discovery of buried information
One of the CONTENTdm collections at Western Michigan University is a collection of Civil War diaries and letters assembled as compound objects. They employ the Library of Congress’ “20 percent rule" ii for subject headings at the object level, except in cases of special information of interest to Civil War researchers. For instance, in all the diaries, subject headings at the object level contain the names of battles in which the diarist participated even though the description of the battle may comprise only a small percentage of the total text.
Special considerations for textual transcripts
The Document and Monograph classes of compound object in CONTENTdm are used mainly to handle text-rich objects. Searchable text transcripts are handled as metadata within a CONTENTdm schema. i.e., not only can every field of the metadata be made searchable, but above and beyond that, one field in each record may contain a searchable transcript of the text of the item. The Full text search field data type can be used for one field in each schema. In the case of a compound object, the object level metadata itself, and each of its item level metadata, may contain up to 128,000 characters in this Full text search field (often re-labeled “Transcript” in practice). CONTENTdm administrators decide whether to make this field harvestable or not, i.e., map the field to one of the DC elements. - Appendix F: Consortium issues
- Addendum on considerations for consortia using OAI harvesting tools; adding value from the members’ point of view
Authors :Jason B. Lee
Metadata Coordinator,
WorldCat Digital Content
OCLC Digital Collection ServicesLyn MacCorkle
Digital Project Development & Repositories Librarian,
Digital Initiatives & Resources
University of Miami LibrariesSandra McIntyre
Program Director,
Mountain West Digital LibraryGayle Porter
Special Formats Catalog Librarian, University Library
Chicago State UniversityTaylor Surface
Senior Product Manager
OCLC Digital Collection ServicesCheryl Walters
Head of Digital Initiatives,
Utah State University
A consortium is defined as an “agreement, combination, or group (as of companies) formed to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member.” During the drafting of the Best Practices Guide ver. 1.7, discussion arose among Metadata Working Group members concerning digital production & syndication challenges from a consortial viewpoint. A task group was formed in order to identify these [primarily workflow-oriented] issues in order to set forth an additional suite of recommended guidelines and to propose and communicate some specific resolutions in the WorldCat Digital Gateway environment.
Considerations for Consortia:
We have identified several overlapping core considerations for institutional members of a consortium using OAI harvesting tools in order to contribute digital content to a central server (outside of the institution). These core considerations, which may affect workflows at both the institution- and consortium-levels, include but are not limited to, metadata practices, communication strategy, and coordination of tasks.
Note: In the CONTENTdm-specific scenarios we reference here, there are two distinctly different issues present:- One CONTENTdm license is owned by the Consortium and shared among institutions.
- One CONTENTdm license is owned as above, plus one or more CONTENTdm licenses are owned by member institutions.