03. Authority indexes of CBS MARC 21 fields
Below you find an overview on the authority indices of CBS MARC 21 fields.
The so-called MATADI is a single capital letter that can be used to limit a search to a certain type of resource, like authority records of personal names, corporate bodies, topical terms, etc. The MATADI code for authority records is equal to the second position of tag 0500 / 002@.
Overview on the authority indices
Index label
B/A 1) |
M / L / C 2) |
Str 3) |
Mne 4) |
SeAt 5) |
CBS MARC 21 (sub)fields |
CBS MARC 21 PICA+ (sub)fields |
Comment |
1) Bibliographic (B) or authority (A) index 2) M = main level; L = local level; C = copy level 3) Str = Structure: P = phrase; W = word; N = number; Ps = person 4) Mne = Mnemonic 5) SeAt = Search attribute |
access method |
A |
M |
P |
amp: |
11209 |
M856 u |
092E u |
Searching by using am= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). By using mnemonic amp and search attribute 11209, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic amp and search attribute 11209 are identical to the bibliographic index. This index is added and is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
access method |
A |
M |
W |
am: |
01209 |
M856 u |
092E u |
By using mnemonic am and search attribute 01209, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic am and search attribute 01209 are identical to the bibliographic index. This index is added and is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). Note: words are separated by punctuation characters in the URL. Stopwords are not included for this index. |
authority control number i.e. national bibliographic agency control number |
A |
M |
N |
n/a |
00016 |
M016 a |
Not implemented. |
authority-ID |
A |
M |
N |
an: |
00012 |
M001 |
Not implemented. Field M001 doesn’t exist in the CBS MARC 21 format. The CBS MARC 21search attribute for PPN is 00012 and is related to field 0100 / 003@ $0. |
cataloging source |
A |
M |
P |
csp: |
06119 |
M040 acd |
016E acd |
By using mnemonic csp and search attribute 06119, you search both bibliographic and authority records. In the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes, a word index is defined. Because for the bibliographic records, a phrase index is defined, this is applied for the authority records too. The mnemonic cs is replaced by csp, because it is a phrase index. The mnemonic csp is identical to the bibliographic index; search attribute 06119 of the bibliographic index is added. |
carto-graphic data |
A |
M |
W |
cm: |
20015 |
M034 defgz |
015Y defgz |
chrono-logical term |
A |
M |
W |
ch: |
20016 |
M148 avxyz M448 avxyz M548 avxyzZ M748 avxyz |
021W avxyz 051W avxyz 061W avxyz9 081W avxyz |
This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
chrono-logical term - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
cheh: |
20017 |
M748 avxyz |
081W avxyz |
This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
corporate & conference name |
A |
M |
W |
cn: co: |
01005 01006 00002 09831 |
M110 abcdegln M410 abcdegln M510 abcdeglnZ M710 abcdegln M111 acdegjnq M411 acdegjnq M511 acdegjnqZ M711 acdegjnq M151 ag M451 ag M551 agZ M751 ag |
020K abcdDegGHIlnNO 050K abcdDegGHIlnNO 060K abcdDegGHIlnNO9 080K abcdDegGHIlnNO 020L acdDegGHIjnNOq 050L acdDegGHIjnNOq 060L acdDegGHIjnNOq9 080L acdDegGHIjnNOq 021Z ag 051Z ag 061Z ag9 081Z ag |
Mnemonic cn is related to search attribute 01005 only. Mnemonic co is related to search attribute 01006 only. By using mnemonic cn and search attribute 01005, you search both bibliographic and authority records. By using mnemonic co and search attribute 01006, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonics cn and co are identical to bibliographic indexes. Search attributes 1005 and 1006 of bibliographic indexes are added. Subfield $i of the fields M111, M411, M511 and M711 are not indexed. It is mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). Subfield $g of the fields M151, M451, M551 and M751 is indexed too. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
corporate & conference name - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
cneh: coeh: |
09810 20018 |
M710 abcdegln M711 acdegjnq |
080K abcdDegGHIlnNO 080L acdDegGHIjnNOq |
Mnemonic cneh is related to search attribute 09810 only. Mnemonic coeh is related to search attribute 20018 only. By using mnemonic dx and search attribute 05067, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Subfield l is added to field M710. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
description conventions |
A |
M |
W |
dx: |
05067 |
M040 e |
016E e |
By using mnemonic dx and search attribute 05067, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic dx and search attribute 05067 are identical to the bibliographic index. |
entity attributes |
A |
M |
W |
en: |
06112 09812 |
M046 fgklqrst M075 ab M348 ab M368 abcdst M370 abcefgst M371 abcdemstz M372 ast M373 ast M374 ast M375 ast M376 abcst M377 al M378 q M380 a M381 a M382 abdpv M383 abcde M384 a M385 abmn M386 abmn M388 a |
016K fgklqrst 017N ab 041W ab 042Q abcdst 042S abcefgst 042T abcdemstz 042U ast 042V ast 042W ast 042X ast 042Y abcst 042Z al 043A q 043C a 043D a 043E abdpv 043F abcde 043G a 043H abmn 043I abmn 043K a |
Mnemonic en is related to search attribute 06112 only. By using mnemonic en and search attribute 06112, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic en and search attribute 6112 are identical to the bibliographic index. Field M045 is not indexed. Field M376 subfield d is not indexed too. They are mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
genre / form |
A |
M |
W |
ge: |
05655 |
M155 avxyz M455 avxyz M555 avxyzZ M755 avxyz |
022D avxyz 052D avxyz 062D avxyz9 082D avxyz |
By using mnemonic ge and search attribute 05655, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic ge is identical to bibliographic index. Search attribute 5655 of bibliographic index is added. |
genre / form - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
geeh: |
09855 |
M755 avxyz |
082D avxyz |
geographic name |
A |
M |
W |
gg: |
09834 |
M151 agvxyz M451 agvxyz M551 agvxyzZ M751 agvxyz
M181 vxyz M481 vxyz M581 vxyzZ M781 vxyz |
021Z agvxyz 051Z agvxyz 061Z agvxyz9 081Z agvxyz
023D vxyz 053D vxyz 063D vxyz9 083D vxyz |
In the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020), search attribute 00058 is mentioned for this index and related to mnemonic gg. But search attribute 00058 is used in the bibliographic index geographic coverage and is related to mnemonic gc. That’s why search attribute 00058 is not used for the authority index. |
geographic name - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
ggeh: |
09851 |
M751 agvxyz |
081Z agvxyz |
isbn |
A |
M |
N |
bn: |
00007 |
M020 az |
015K az |
By using mnemonic bn and search attribute 00007, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic bn is identical to bibliographic index. Search attribute 00007 of bibliographic index is added. Guideline Do not use hyphens |
issn |
A |
M |
N |
in: |
00008 |
M022 ayz |
015M az |
By using mnemonic in and search attribute 00008, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic in and search attribute 00008 are identical to the bibliographic index. |
issn-l |
A |
M |
N |
ik: |
05558 |
M022 lm |
015M lm |
By using mnemonic ik and search attribute 05558, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic ik is identical to bibliographic index. Search attribute 05558 of bibliographic index is added. Guideline Always include the hyphen. |
keyword |
A |
M |
W |
kw: |
01016 06116 09116 |
Nex fields:
Mnemonic kw is related to search attribute 01016 only. By using mnemonic kw and search attribute 01016, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic kw is identical to bibliographic index. Search attribute 01016 of bibliographic index is added. This is a word index. It implies that the way of indexing can differ from the way the specific group is indexed. |
lc children’s subjects |
A |
M |
W |
sj: |
n/a |
Not implemented. |
lc names |
A |
M |
W |
nw: |
n/a |
Not implemented. |
lc subject headings |
A |
M |
W |
su: |
n/a |
Not implemented. |
lccn |
A |
M |
N |
ln: |
00009 |
M010 az M667 a |
015A az |
By using mnemonic ln and search attribute 00009, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic ln is identical to bibliographic index. Search attribute 00009 of bibliographic index is added. Guidelines When searching for LCCNs (field M010), the year at the beginning should be formatted so that years up to 1999 are searched as the last two digits of the year and years 2000 on are searched as four digits. The remaining numbers are searched as a six-digit number with leading zeros.
Indexing field M667 helps catalogers identify the history of personal names previously in undifferentiated authority records and subsequently established as separate authority records, using unique control numbers. The index only retrieves records with M667 fields that contain the word "undifferentiated." No textual data in the M667 field is indexed. The system does not compare or verify LCCNs in field M667 with LCCNs in field M010. |
local infor-mation |
A |
L |
W |
n/a |
09899 |
L9XX |
Not implemented. These are fields on local level. |
medium of perform-ance term |
A |
M |
W |
mp: |
20019 |
M162 a M462 a M562 aZ M762 a |
022K a 052K a 062K a9 082K a |
This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
medium of perform-ance term - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
mpeh: |
20020 |
M762 a |
082K a |
This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
musical incipit |
A |
M |
P |
mip: |
20008 |
M031p |
015V p |
By using mnemonic mip and search attribute 20008, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic mip is identical to bibliographic index. Search attribute 20008 of bibliographic index is added. Searching by using mi= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). Guidelines
named event |
A |
M |
W |
ne: |
20021 |
M147 acdgvxyz M447 acdgvxyz M547 acdgvxyzZ M747 acdgvxyz |
021V acdgvxyz 051V acdgvxyz 061V acdgvxyz9 081V acdgvxyz |
This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
named event - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
neeh: |
20022 |
M747 acdgvxyz |
081V acdgvxyz |
This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
notes |
A |
M |
W |
nt: |
00063 06115 09115 |
M663 abt M664 abt M665 a M666 a M667 a M670 abu M672 abf M673 abf M675 a M677 au M678 abu M680 ai M681 ai M682 ai M688 a |
072L abt 072M abt 072N a 072O a 072P a 072S abu 072U abf 072V abf 072X a 072Z au 073A abu 073C ai 073D ai 073E ai 073K a |
Mnemonic nt is related to search attribute 00063 only. By using mnemonic nt and search attribute 00063, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic nt and search attribute 00063 are identical to the bibliographic index. Subfields $6 and $8 of field M663 are not indexed. They are mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
personal name |
A |
M |
P |
pnp: |
11004 |
M046 fgklqrst M100 abcdegjq M400 abcdegijq M500 abcdegijqZ M700 abcdegijq |
016K fgklqrst 020A aAbcCdegjq 050A aAbcCdegijq 060A aAbcCdegijq9 080A aAbcCdegijq |
By using mnemonic pnp and search attribute 11004, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic pnp and search attribute 11004 are identical to the bibliographic index. Searching by using pn= is not (yet) possible in CBS MARC 21 (November 2020). Stopwords are not included for this index. In the CBS MARC 21 format, the part of the personal name that starts with a comma followed by a space and the forename or initials is put in a separate PICA+ subfield. |
personal name |
A |
M |
W |
pn: |
01004 00001 09800 |
M046 fgklqrst M100 abcdegjq M400 abcdegijq M500 abcdegijqZ M700 abcdegijq |
016K fgklqrst 020A aAbcCdjq 050A aAbcCdegijq 060A aAbcCdegijq9 080A aAbcCdegijq |
By using mnemonic pn and search attribute 01004, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic pn and search attribute 01004 are identical to the bibliographic index. Mnemonic pn is related to search attribute 01004 only. Stopwords are not included for this index. To field M046 subfields $k, $l, $q, $r, $s and $t are added. They are not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
personal name |
A |
M |
Ps |
pnx: |
20026 |
M100 aq M400 aq M500 aqZ M700 aq |
020A aAq 050A aAq 060A aAq9 080A aAq |
By using mnemonic pn and search attribute 20025, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic pnx and search attribute 20025 are identical to the bibliographic index. Mnemonic pnx is related to search attribute 20025 only. Stopwords are not included for this index. |
personal name - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
P |
pnehp: |
09870 |
M700 abcdegjq |
080A aAbcCdegjq |
Stopwords are not included for this index. |
personal name - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
pneh: |
20023 |
M700 abcdegjq |
080A aAbcCdegjq |
Stopwords are not included for this index. |
personal name - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
Ps |
pnehx: |
20025 |
M700 aq |
080A aAq |
Stopwords are not included for this index. |
relation-ship |
A |
M |
W |
rx: |
20014 06113 09813 |
M100 ej M400 eij4 M500 eij4 M700 eij4
M110 e M410 ei4 M510 ei4 M710 ei4
M111 j M411 ij4 M511 ij4 M711 ij4
M430 i4 M530 i4 M730 i4
M447 i4 M547 i4 M747 i4
M448 i4 M548 i4 M748 i4
M450 i4 M550 i4 M750 i4
M451 i4 M551 i4 M751 i4
M455 i4 M555 i4 M755 i4
M462 i4 M562 i4 M762 i4
M480 i4 M580 i4 M780 i4
M481 i4 M581 i4 M781 i4
M482 i4 M582 i4 M782 i4
M485 i4 M585 i4 M785 i4
M370 i4 M371 4 M386 i4 M788 i4 |
020A ej4 050A eij4 060A eij4 080A eij4
020K e4 050K ei4 060K ei4 080K ei4
020L j4 050L ij4 060L ij4 080L ij4
051E i 061E i 081E i
051V i4 061V i4 081V i4
051W i4 061W i4 081W i4
051Y i4 061Y i4 081Y i4
051Z i4 061Z i4 081Z i4
052D i4 062D i4 082D i4
052K i4 062K i4 082K i4
053C i4 063C i4 083C i4
053D i4 063D i4 083D i4
053E i4 063E i4 083E i4
053H i4 063H i4 083H i4
042S i4 042T 4 043I i4 083K i4 |
By using mnemonic rx and search attribute 20014, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic rx and search attribute 20014 are identical to the bibliographic index. Subfield $i and $4 are added to fields M447, M547, M448 and M548. They are not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
see also subfield 0 |
A |
M |
W |
n/a |
06100 |
5XX 0 |
Not implemented |
standard number |
A |
M |
N |
sn: |
01007 |
M010 az M016 az M020 az M022 almyz M024 az |
015A az 015G az 015K az 015M almyz 015O az |
This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). By using mnemonic sn and search attribute 01007, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic sn and search attribute 01007 are identical to the bibliographic in. Guidelines
Because of the way character conversion is done, when searching for LCCNs (M010), we cannot follow the instruction as in the LCCN index itself. I.e. you cannot use a circumflex (^) before the number (e.g., ^64002560, or use hyphens. So, the abovementioned guidelines are also applied to LCCNs. |
subdivision heading |
A |
M |
W |
sb: |
20024 |
M180 vxyz M480 vxyz M580 vxyzZ M780 vxyz
M181 vxyz M481 vxyz M581 vxyzZ M781 vxyz
M182 vxyz M482 vxyz M582 vxyzZ M782 vxyz
M185 vxyz M485 vxyz M585 vxyzZ M785 vxyz |
023C vxyz 053C vxyz 063C vxyz9 083C vxyz
023D vxyz 053D vxyz 063D vxyz9 083D vxyz
023E vxyz 053E vxyz 063E vxyz9 083E vxyz
023H vxyz 053H vxyz 063H vxyz9 083H vxyz |
To field M781 subfields $v, $x and $y are added. They are not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
subdivision linking entry - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
sbeh: |
09880 |
M780 vxyz M781 vxyz M782 vxyz M785 vxyz |
083C vxyz 083D vxyz 083E vxyz 083H vxyz |
subject heading |
A |
M |
W |
su: sp: |
00021 09835 |
M150 abgvxyz M450 abgvxyz M550 abgvxyzZ M750 abgvxyz |
021Y abgvxyz 051Y abgvxyz 061Y abgvxyz9 081Y abgvxyz |
Mnemonic su is related to search attribute 00021 only. By using mnemonic su and search attribute 00021, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic su and search attribute 00021 are identical to the bibliographic index. Field M750 is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
subject heading - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
sueh: |
09850 |
M750 abgvxyz |
081Y abgvxyz |
system control number |
A |
M |
N |
n/a |
00350 |
M035 az |
Not implemented. |
title / title keyword |
A |
M |
W |
ti: |
00004 09833 |
M100 fhklmnoprst M400 fhklmnoprst M500 fhklmnoprstZ M700 fhklmnoprst
M110 dfghklmnoprst M410 dfghklmnoprst M510 dfghklmnoprstZ M710 dfghklmnoprst
M111 dfghklnpst M411 dfghklnpst M511 dfghklnpstZ M711 dfghklnpst
M130 adfghklmnoprst M430 adfghklmnoprst M530 adfghklmnoprstZ M730 adfghklmnoprst
M031 dt M672 abf M673 abf |
020A fhklmNOnoPQprst 050A fhklmNOnoPQprst 060A fhklmNOnoPQprst9 080A fhklmNOnoPQprst
020K dDfgGHIhklmnNOoPQprst 050K dDfgGHIhklmnNOoPQprst 060K dDfgGHIhklmnNOoPQprst9 080K dDfgGHIhklmnNOoPQprst
020L dDfgGHIhklnNOpst 050L dDfgGHIhklnNOpst 060L dDfgGHIhklnNOpst9 080L dDfgGHIhklnNOpst
021E adDfgGHIhkmNOnopPQrst 061E adDfgGHIhkmNOnopPQrst9 081E adDfgGHIhkmNOnopPQrst
015V dt 072U abf 072V abf |
Mnemonic ti is related to search attribute 00004 only. By using mnemonic ti and search attribute 00004, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic ti and search attribute 00004 are identical to the bibliographic index. |
uniform title |
A |
M |
W |
ut: |
00006 |
M130 adfghklmnoprst M430 adfghklmnoprst M530 adfghklmnoprstZ |
021E adDfgGHIhklmNOnopPQrst 051E adDfgGHIhklmNOnopPQrst 061E adDfgGHIhklmNOnopPQrst9 |
By using mnemonic ut and search attribute 00006, you search both bibliographic and authority records. Mnemonic ut and search attribute 00006 are identical to the bibliographic index. This index is added. It is not mentioned in the documentation of the WorldCat and/or the Z39.50 indexes (November 2020). |
uniform title - established heading linking entry |
A |
M |
W |
uteh: |
09830 |
M730 adfghklmnoprst |
081E adDfgGHIhklmNOnopPQrst |