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Retrieve a scheduled custom or standard report using the Report Launch Pad

Learn how to retrieve a custom or standard report scheduled in WorldShare Reports using the Report Launch Pad.

 Note: In the Default Enterprise Location, report instances are limited to five per user per schedule and retained for 90 days (e.g., if you have a report scheduled for daily recurrence, you will only be able to retrieve the last five instances from the History dialog).

  1. In the left navigation, click Report Launch Pad.
  2. Open the Schedule screen.
    • From a standard report:
      1. Click a report category folder from the Folders screen.
      2. Locate the report you want to schedule and click the More button ( Screenshot of the More button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer ).
      3. Select History from the pop-up menu. The General tab of the Schedule screen opens by default.
    • From a custom report:
      1. In the left navigation of the Folders screen, click the folder where your custom reports are located.
      2. Locate the report you want to schedule and click the More button ( Screenshot of the More button in WorldShare Reports and Report Designer ).
      3. Select History from the pop-up menu. The General tab of the Schedule screen opens by default.
  3. Double-click a report instance to open it.