How do I move item encumbrances over to my new budget year?
- I would like to move encumbrances for specific items to the new budget year
Applies to
- WorldShare Acquisitions
If you want to move items to the new budget follow these steps. Note, do not close the old budget until you have moved or resolved all encumbrances.
- Login to WorldShare > Acquisitions > Budgets.
- Go to the new year's budget.
- Make sure the box Enable for use is checked.
- Go to the old year's budget.
- Look for the Encumbrances column (Enc.)
- Click on one of the amounts visible in the column.
- Click on a title in the list of items encumbered.
- Choose the Budget/Fund tab.
- In the lower portion of the screen, choose the new year budget from the dropdown menu under Budget.
- Click Save in the upper portion of the screen.
- If you do not wish to move the item to the new budget year, follow the steps found in Find items with encumbered amounts.
Additional information
For more information see Budgets.