How can I remove the On Order status that shows on an item?
- You have an item record that shows as on order in WorldCat Discovery, but you don't have an order record for it and don't want to buy it.
Applies to
- WMS Acquisitions
- WorldCat Discovery
- WMS Circulation
In WMS items get their On Order status from the Local Holdings record's Receipt Status (008/06 Receipt or Acquisition Status) field. You can either alter that status to something else or delete the copy record altogether.
Here are the steps to alter the copy from the Circulation tab:
- Click the Circulation tab.
- Click Discover Items.
- Search for the OCLC# of the title.
- Click on the title's name in the result list.
- Click the View/Edit link on the far right beside the copy showing as On Order.
- Either edit the Receipt status field to change it or click Delete in the upper right to delete the copy altogether.
If you don't see a delete button in the upper right, click on the Edit Item button at the bottom and there should be a Delete button inside that window.