Add item to order
Add item from WorldCat
Search Discover Items
Use Discover Items in the left navigation to search through WorldCat for print or other physical format monographs and serials. For more information, see Search WorldCat.
You will need to find a record in WorldCat for both ordering and adding holdings for items you have in hand, or for items that you have acquired outside of the WMS Ordering process (e.g. gifts).
- Choose the search Scope to limit your search. See Basic search.
- Select a search Index. See Basic search.
- Enter your search term(s) in the text box.
- Click Search or press <Enter>.
- To switch between results views, click the View Enhanced Search Results or View Condense Search Results button above the search results list.
Check your library's holdings before ordering
On the search results screen, the middle column indicates whether your library holds the item, as below.
- Held by my library: Your library holds the item.
- Not Held by my library: Your library does not hold the item
- Libraries own this item: The number of libraries that own the item
See details about an item
To see detailed information about an item, click View Enhanced Search Results above the results list. Place your cursor over the information icon () for an item in the search results. A window appears listing information, which varies, depending on the type of item:
Discover Items | Discover Collections | |
To close the window, move the cursor away from the information icon ().
Add an item to an existing order or plan
Note: You cannot currently search Discover Collections for a monographic series.
- From the search results, find the item you want to order and click Add to > Order.
- On the Add Item to Order window, change the settings as needed.
- (Optional) Apply a template (available for orders only). From the Apply Order Template list, click the template you want to apply.
- Find the existing purchase order to which you want to add the item.
- In the Existing Orders table, click Add in the Action column (at right) for the order of your choice:
- The number in the Items column increases.
- Items added to plans can also be received immediately. A message will appear confirming that the item was added. Click Receive Item to begin the receiving process. See Receive Monographs or Receive serials and e-products for more information.
- Click Close.
Add an item to a new order or plan
Note: You cannot currently search Discover Collections for a monographic series.
- From the search results, find the item you want to order and click Add to > Order.
- On the Add Item to Order window, change the settings as needed.
- (Optional) Apply a template (available for orders only). From the Apply Order Template list, click the template you want to apply.
- Click New Order.
- In the Add New Order dialog, complete the fields.
- Click Save. The new order will appear in the Existing Orders table.
- Click Add to add the volume to the newly created order.
- (Optional) Click the Order Name to enter details for the order item (e.g., Fund, Location, Price, etc.).
- Click Close.
Watch a video
Ordering monographs
Run time: 11:17
This video shows how to create a purchase order, add a single part and a multi-part monograph to the order, and how to then place the order in WMS Acquisitions.
Ordering serial subscriptions
Run time: 11:30
This video shows how to create and place a purchase order for serials subscriptions in WorldShare Acquisitions.
Add item from WorldCat knowledge base
Search Discover Collections
Use Discover Collections to search for e-products in the WorldCat knowledge base. For more information, see WorldCat knowledge base.
- Choose the search Scope to limit your search. See Search for collections, providers, or titles.
- Enter your search terms.
Note: The My Selected Collections check box is automatically selected. If you want to search all of the WorldCat knowledge base, deselect the My Selected Collections check box.
- Click Search or press <Enter>.
Check your library's holdings before ordering
On the search results screen, the middle column indicates whether your library holds the item, as below.
See details about an item
See details about an item above.
Add the collection to an order
- In the Results list, click Add to > Order.
- On the Add Item to Order window, review the settings and change as needed.
- (Optional) Apply a template (available for orders only). From the Apply Order Template list, click the template you want to apply.
- To add the item to the order or plan, in the Action column (at right), click Add:
- The number in the Items column increases.
- Items added to plans can also be received immediately. A message will appear confirming that the item was added. Click Receive Item to begin the receiving process. See Receive Monographs or Receive serials and e-products for more information.
- Click Close.
Add item not in WorldCat or the WorldCat knowledge base
If you have searched WorldCat and WorldCat knowledge base, and no record matches the item you are ordering, you can use any of the following methods to handle this situation:
- Create a record in Record Manager and use this to create the order item and add it to an order in Acquisitions. See WorldShare Record Manager: Bibliographic records.
- Create a custom Collection and/or Title in WorldCat knowledge base. See WorldShare Collection Manager: Choose your Collection Manager workflow.
- Create a local resource and add it to an order or purchase request. This should ideally be used for resources that do not belong in WorldCat or the knowledge base, such as memberships, furniture, technology, and supplies. These items can be ordered, or even added directly to an invoice.
Watch a video
Ordering when there's no WorldCat record
Run time: 13:07
This video shows how to create a brief level record for ordering when no WorldCat record exists.
Add order data to an EBSCO order using an EBSCAN file
- On the left navigation, click Discover Items.
- From the Scope drop-down list, select a search scope.
- Select My Library Holdings if you already have at least one copy of an item.
- Select All WorldCat if you do not own any copies of the item.
- From the Index drop-down list, select ISSN.
- Scan an ISSN from the EBSCAN file.
- Click Search or press <Enter>.
- From the search results, find the item you want to order and click Add to > Order.
- On the Add Item to Order window, find the existing EBSCO order you want to add the item to or create a new order.
- Navigate to the order you added the order item to.
- (Optional) Use the Configure button (
) to add the editable Vendor Item # column to the list of order items, if it isn't already.
- Scan in the matching EBSCO order number in the Vendor Order Item Number field for the item you just added, or open the individual item to scan in the order numbers.
- (Optional) Add any additional information for the order item (e.g. Price, Location, Quantity, Fund, etc.).
- Click Close.
Default branch and shelving location of order items
The default branch and shelving location of order items is set based on material type and depending on how the order item is created.
How item was created | Processing Type = E-Product | Created using Order Item Template | Created using Purchase Request | Default Branch | Default Shelving Location |
Platform | Yes or No | N/A | N/A | Unspecified | Unspecified |
User Interface | No | No | No | Branch selected when logging in | First shelving location for selected branch |
User Interface | No | Yes | No | Branch in order item template | Shelving location in order item template |
User Interface | No | No | Yes | Branch from purchase request | Shelving location from purchase request |
User Interface | Yes | No | No | Unspecified | Unspecified |
Import (MARC data) | No | N/A | N/A | Branch selected when logging in | First shelving location for selected branch |
Import (MARC data) | Yes | N/A | N/A | Unspecified | Unspecified |