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Create new order

Discover how to create a new order from the Orders screen in WorldShare Acquisitions.

Create order

 Note: The Display in WorldCat option, which allows an on-order flag to display in WorldCat, is only available for Purchase Orders.

Orders and plans can also be created from Discover Items. See Add item to order.

  1. On the left navigation, click Orders Orders.
  2. On the Orders screen, click New Order.
  3. In the Add New Order dialog, complete the fields.
    Add New Order fields - Table
    Field Description
    Order Name (required) Give a meaningful and unique name to avoid confusion with other orders. Follow local practice.
    Order Type (required)
    Order Type Description
    Approval Plan List of items received as part of an agreement with supplier to send items based on a profile. The library retains the right to return items not needed.
    Blanket Order List of items received as part of an agreement with a supplier to send items based on a profile. Vendors do not allow the return of items.
    DDA (Demand Driven Acquisitions) Plan List of items received as part of an agreement with supplier to trigger purchase of online materials based on patron usage.
    Gift/Donation List List of items received from a specific person or organization for free or at little cost to the library.
    Legal Deposit List List of items received as part of an arrangement with a governmental entity to keep some or all of its publications at the library.
    Purchase Order List of items created by library to be submitted to supplier.
    Standing Order List of items received as part of an agreement with supplier to send items belonging to a series or specific publication.
    Vendor (not required for purchase orders) As you type, the system automatically suggests vendor names from those listed as in use in Vendors.

    Enter the vendor name in quotes (e.g., "Le Jour") to perform an exact phrase search. Exact phrase searching is useful in cases where the vendor name ends in a word that may match several other words in a vendor name (e.g., Le Jour matches vendor names that contain the word Journal).
    Vendor PO # (number) Add the order number from the vendor, if known. Follow local practice.
    Tax Handling Select a tax calculation method from the drop-down list.
    Tax calculation method Description
    Tax item cost Calculates tax amount by multiplying tax percentage by the price
    Tax item, service charge, and shipping cost Calculates tax amount by multiplying tax percentage by the price, service charges, and shipping
    Includes taxes in costs Calculates tax amount by considering it as included in the price, service charges, and shipping
    Comments Add any notes about the order. Follow local practice.
  4. Click Save.

Watch a video

Create a gift/donation list

Run time: 6:38

This video shows how to create a gift/donation list in WorldShare Acquisitions and how to add items to the list and receive them making them available in your collection.


Create a standing order for a book series

Run time: 9:07

This video shows how to create a standing order for a book series in WorldShare Acquisitions, and how to receive and invoice titles in the series.


Receive approval plan items

Run time: 10:39

This video shows how to receive Approval Plan items in WorldShare Acquisitions.