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Corporate/Conference Subject

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Corporate/Conference Subject word (nc:), phrase (nc=), and whole phrase (ncw=) indexes.

Also called Named Corporation and Conference.

Word (nc:)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label nc:
Search? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Browse? --- ---  ---  
Examples nc:world conference on women
  • 610 a-c d n p
  • 611 a c d e n p q
  • 647 a c d
  • 653 a (if indicator 2 = 2 or 3)
Qualifier index? No
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • Contains data from your local bibliographic data records in WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery.
Phrase (nc=)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label nc=
Search? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Browse? --- ---  --- ---
Examples nc=intel corporation
  • 610 a-c d n p
  • 611 a c d e n p q
  • 647 a c d
  • 653 a (if indicator 2 = 2 or 3)
Qualifier index? No
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • Contains data from your local bibliographic data records in WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery.
  • Performs an anchored phrase search.
Whole phrase (ncw=)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label ncw= --- --- ---
Search? Yes --- --- ---
Browse? Yes --- --- ---
Examples ncw=orthodox eastern church/rec --- --- ---
  • 610 a b
  • 611 a
--- --- ---
Qualifier index? No --- --- ---
  • Supports non-Latin script searches.
  • Scan an index from the Command Line Search by entering the Scan command (sca), the index label with appropriate punctuation, and the term, and then clicking Search (example: sca ncw=orthodox eastern church/rec). For more information, see Browse (scan an index).
  • Performs an anchored phrase search.
--- --- ---