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Auction House Name (SCIPIO-specific)

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Auction House Name (SCIPIO-specific) word (ah:) and phrase (ah=) indexes.

SCIPIO-specific indexes are limited to only SCIPIO records (042 includes scipio).

Word (ah:)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label ah: ---
Search? Yes --- Yes (WorldCat Discovery only) ---
Browse? --- --- --- ---
Examples ah:American Art ---
Fields/Subfields 110 a-e n u ---
Qualifier index? No ---
  • SCIPIO indexes are only available in FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections from the SCIPIO database.
  • Indexes are a subset of the existing WorldCat Corporate/Conference Name index.
Phrase (ah=)
  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label ah= ---
Search? Yes --- Yes (WorldCat Discovery only) ---
Browse? --- --- --- ---
Examples ah=American Art Association ---
Fields/Subfields 110 a-e n u ---
Qualifier index? No ---
  • SCIPIO indexes are only available in FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections from the SCIPIO database.
  • Indexes are a subset of the existing WorldCat Corporate/Conference Name index.
  • Performs an unanchored phrase search.