Authentication Code
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Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Authentication Code word (ac:) and phrase (ac=) indexes.
- Word (ac:)
Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery Label --- --- ac: Search? --- --- Yes Browse? --- --- --- Examples --- --- - ac:dlr
- NOT ac:dlr
Fields/Subfields --- --- 042 a Qualifier index? --- --- No Notes --- --- - To limit a search by authentication code, enter ac:[code]
- To exclude records by authentication code, enter not ac:[code] or NOT ac:[code]
- Phrase (ac=)
Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery Label ac= Search? Yes Yes Yes Browse? --- --- --- Examples - ac=dlr
- not ac=dlr
- ac=dlr
- not ac=dlr
- ac=dlr
- NOT ac=dlr
Fields/Subfields 042 a Qualifier index? No Notes - To limit a search by authentication code, enter ac=[code]
- To exclude records by authentication code, enter not ac=[code] or NOT ac=[code]