Why does my item show with a red crossed circle when the item status is Available?
- The item says it is Available but there is a red crossed circle
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
- Service Configuration
This information is controlled by the OPAC Status Grid configured in Service Configuration > WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local > OPAC Statuses, Locations and Circulation Policies > Item Availability from OPAC.
- The Status Treatment can be set to available, unavailable, library use only - available, or library use only - unavailable
- Status treatments available and library use only - available will show a green tick when the item is Available (See WMS Status Messages for when an item will show as Available)
- Status treatments unavailable and library use only - unavailable will show a red crossed circle at all times
- To get Any Status or Any location you must type an asterisk (*) in the appropriate field. If you type the status this will not map properly
- Write the location in capitals with asterisks at either end.
eg *LIBRARY WORKROOM*- Note that the location will include any shelving locations containing the word or words within the asterisks
eg. *FICTION* will cover the shelving locations Fiction and Junior Fiction but *JUNIOR FICTION* will not include Fiction
- Note that the location will include any shelving locations containing the word or words within the asterisks
Additional information
There is more information on the OPAC Status Grid Table and how your selections display in WorldCat Discovery. There is an OPAC Grid webinar too.
Note: If you wish to add a shelving location please contact OCLC Support