How can patrons send messages from WorldCat Discovery?
Applies to
- WorldCat Discovery
There are different ways patrons can send messages from WorldCat Discovery for different purposes.
- Email a record
The Email button on a record is used by the patron to send themselves details of the record for reference.
The patron can type any email address to receive the record.
This does not require the patron to sign in.
For more information, read Share records and create citations
- Send Feedback
Patrons can contact the library through WorldCat Discovery by clicking the Send Feedback button at the bottom right of the Discovery screen.
This form requires the patron to input their email address and is sent to the configured library email address.
For information on how to configure the Send Feedback button, read ILS Support and Maintenance.
- Report a broken link
Patrons can also report incorrect or broken links to the library through the Report a broken link link located in the Check Availability tab of e-resource records.
This form requires the patron to input their email address and is sent to the configured library email address.
For information on how to configure Report a broken link, read Enable "Report a broken link" and receive emails.
- Chat widget
Patrons can chat with a librarian in real-time if your library has enabled the chat widget.
If configured, the chat widget appears as the first option under the Library Links drop-down menu.
To configure the chat widget, read Custom links.
Additional information
Share records and create citations
ILS Support and Maintenance
Enable "Report a broken link" and receive emails
Custom links