Learn how data unique to your institution displays in WorldCat Discovery including full-text links, local bibliographic data (LBD), and local holdings records (LHRs).
The WorldCat Discovery Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative aims to reduce harm in item descriptions. Find information about using a universal template provided by WorldCat Discovery to locally re-map subject headings to display more inclusive language in the WorldCat Discovery interface.
Find information about article clustering in WorldCat Discovery search results and learn how direct links are built for articles from some providers in the WorldCat knowledge base.
You have the option to let patrons and library staff report broken links to a person or department in your library. See how to enable the "Report a broken link" form to appear next to links to your full-text resources.
Full-text links originate from knowledge base collections and from other sources. See how links are displayed in different areas of your WorldCat Discovery interface.