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OCLC Support

Get an item from your library

Discover how to find and access items from your library while logged in to your account or authenticated via IP address using

To have relevant items that your favorite libraries own float to the top of search results, you must be signed in to your account. When you sign in, the Favorite Libraries sort option is used by default. This algorithm will boost items held by your favorite libraries that match your search terms to the top of the results list.

When you open a record and view a search result page, if you are within an IP range of a library with a visibility subscription with OCLC, you'll see any knowledge base links, outgoing OpenURL links, or interlibrary loan links configured. These links can either connect you to the item digitally or connect you to a request form for a physical copy.

 Note: Links to OCLC FirstSearch no longer appear on the Item Details page.

To borrow or obtain a copy from the Access from your libraries box:

  1. Click View access options in the Access from your libraries box. A Get it from [your library] drawer appears.
  2. Select an option to get the item from the Get it from [your library] drawer. Each option opens in a new tab.
    Get it from [your library] drawer - Image
    Screenshot of the Get it from [your library] drawer
    • Borrow from your library - Click this link to access the item record from your library's catalog and see borrowing options.
    • Access Online - Click links in this area to connect the digital resource or connect with your library's digital fulfillment options. This option is available if the library has configured either of the following:
    • Request this item via: - Click links in this area to request a copy of the item through your library's interlibrary loan services. This option is available if the library has configured place hold and request buttons in WorldCat Discovery.
  3. Complete your request.