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2019 AskQC office hours

Find office hour recordings and supporting materials for 2019 AskQC office hours.

 Note: See AskQC office hour URLs for a list of all URLs shared during AskQC office hours.

January 2019 :: When to input a new record


Jay Weitz presented on the topic of When to Input a New Record. OCLC's When to Input a New Record, chapter 4 of Bibliographic Formats and Standards (BFAS) has long served to provide a common basis for decision making in the creation of the WorldCat bibliographic database by participants in the OCLC cooperative. When to Input has also been the public reflection of how OCLC's matching algorithms, including Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR), and automated loading of records are intended to work.

In October 2017, we made available a thoroughly revised and updated version of When to Input a New Record.

Cardinal Rule: "When in doubt, do not create a duplicate; use an existing record."

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

February 2019 :: Provider neutral cataloging


Robert Bremer presented on the topic of Provider-Neutral Cataloging. He gives a history of how Provider-Neutral cataloging has evolved and explains the single bibliographic record concept to describe all instances of the same manifestation of a resource, what information to include, and what information not to include.

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

Other references mentioned during this presentation:

  • P-N Cataloging of Photocopies and POD Reproductions: see LC-PCC PS 1.11

March 2019 :: Intro to the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)


Hayley Moreno presented on the topic of the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).

VIAF virtually combines multiple name authority files into a single name authority service and is host to a variety of participants that include national libraries, special organizations, and other data providers.

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

April 2019 :: An overview of OCLC training resources


Rick Newell presented on the topic of the OCLC training resources. OCLC offers a number of training resources to help our member libraries achieve effective use of our products and services, including online and recorded instructor-led training; point of need tutorials and exercises; and supplemental training resources designed to help build foundational skills. Visit for additional information.

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

May 2019 :: Small errors with big consequences


Robert Bremer and Bryan Baldus explain how small errors in bibliographic records can have a big impact on indexing and retrievability, identification of the resource, copy cataloging workflows, and local system processing. These small errors include incorrectly coded non-filing indicators, incorrect punctuation in authorized access points, incorrectly used characters, inconsistent terminology, incorrect relator terms and codes, and other incorrect MARC coding.

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

June 2019 :: Merging duplicate bib records and the Member Merge Project


Shanna Griffith explains how duplicate records can be added to WorldCat just by a difference in the choice of title by the cataloger, even though all other information between the records is the same. Laura Ramsey provides an update on the Member Merge Project, how your institution can get involved, and the impact it has made in the ongoing quest to eliminate duplicate records in WorldCat.

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

August 2019 :: OCLC cataloging policies: An overview of Bibliographic Formats and Standards


Shanna Griffith and Robin Six presented on the topic OCLC Cataloging Policies: An Overview of Bibliographic Format and Standards. They explain this guide to coding practices and input standards and how MARC is applied to WorldCat.

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

September 2019 :: WorldCat knowledge base quality: Connections between the KB and bib records


Mark Calkins presented an overview of the WorldCat Knowledge Base which is a database that enable libraries to manage their subscribed and open access e-resource through WorldShare Collection Manager. Mark also discussed how the knowledge base data is used to do such tasks as set WorldCat holdings, full-text linking, and automate e-resource management. Additional information was provided on the OCLC KBART format which contains title list and coverage data information. Mark explained its correlation with KBART fields and best practices when using this format with the WorldCat knowledge base.

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

October 2019 :: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Everything you wanted to know about stats but were afraid to ask


Patty Treboni, Cynthia Whitacre, Robin Six, and Shanna Griffith presented 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Everything you wanted to know about stats but were afraid to ask. The main topic was broken down into these sections:

  • Retrieving institution or individual library statistics for Connexion transactions by Patty Treboni
  • Record Manager statistics by Cynthia Whitacre
  • Enrichment & merge stats by Robin Six and Shanna Griffith

URLs mentioned during the presentation:

November 2019 :: Comparisons of searching in Connexion and Record Manager


Hayley Moreno and Bryan Baldus presented on the comparisons of searching in Connexion and Record Manager.

URLs mentioned during the presentation: