How do I update the email address and contact name for WorldShare ILL?
- Change email address for ILL contact information in WorldShare ILL.
Applies to
- WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
- Tipasa
You can update this information in the Policies Directory.
- Go to Interlibrary Loan Home > Policies Directory > Contacts
- Click on the Edit button next to the Contact you'd like to update
- Update the contact name in the Attention section.
- Update the contact email address in the Email section.
You may also need to update the email address in your constant data records in the Service Configuration.
- Sign in to OCLC Service Configuration > WorldShare ILL > Borrower Data.
- Update the contact name in the Attention section in the Shipping and Contact Info and Bill to sections and click Save.
- Update the contact email in the address in the Email section in the Shipping and Contact Info and Bill to sections and click Save.
Additional information
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