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OCLC Support

How do I update the email address and contact name for WorldShare ILL?

  • Change email address for ILL contact information in WorldShare ILL.
Applies to
  • WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
  • Tipasa

You can update this information in the Policies Directory.

  1. Go to Interlibrary Loan Home > Policies Directory > Contacts
  2. Click on the Edit button next to the Contact you'd like to update
  3. Update the contact name in the Attention section.
  4. Update the contact email address in the Email section.

You may also need to update the email address in your constant data records in the Service Configuration.

  1. Sign in to OCLC Service Configuration > WorldShare ILLBorrower Data.
  2. Update the contact name in the Attention section in the Shipping and Contact Info and Bill to sections and click Save.
  3. Update the contact email in the address in the Email section in the Shipping and Contact Info and Bill to sections and click Save.
Additional information

Borrower Data

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