Requests fulfilled by RapidILL are noted in the item's lender string with an asterisk (*) next to RAPID. RapidILL issues a new request in Tipasa for the currently assigned lender in the pod. The Reference ID is the number by which the request is known in the RapidILL system.
To view RapidILL requests in your Tipasa queues:
To provide a requested item:
Note: You may use Advanced Lending queues to manage this process.
Note: IFM does not apply to RapidILL requests.
The request will be updated with RapidILL and the borrower's OCLC request ID will be updated with In Transit status and the Article Exchange link.
Note: The Need Before Date for RapidILL requests in Tipasa is set to a default of +6 days, which reflects the maximum amount of time RapidILL allows each request to remain with a lender (4 business days). If RapidILL moves the request sooner than the Need Before Date in Tipasa, the request will no longer appear in the lender’s queue.
Borrowing libraries may not provide enough information for you to fulfill the request.
To respond to a request that does not contain sufficient information:
Note: It is important to select the correct response. If the request is marked No, it will be forwarded to the next lender in the RAPID lending group. Selecting Not found as cited will return the request to the borrower so that they can update the request.
Note: When you respond Not found as Cited, the request will no longer appear in your lending queues.
If your institution cannot fulfill the request for any other reason, click No. An unfilled response will be sent to RapidILL. The Tipasa request will be closed and no longer appear in your lending queues. The request will not be available by searching, as you are no longer the supplying lender.
You may select a reason for declining the request and the information will be saved with the Tipasa request.
If the borrower requests a resend from the RapidILL interface, the lender's Tipasa request will be updated to Not Received. Your library will have to supply the requested document to the requesting library directly via email.
Requests will close for lenders: