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When I am in an ILLiad WebReport where there are titles, why is it that I see the same title multiple times?

  • You are searching for a title in a WebReport and it shows up multiple times 
Applies to
  • ILLiad

The reason you are seeing the title multiple times is that they are not exactly the same.  Here is what you should do for the best results:

  1. Once you have your report listing, export it to Excel.
  2. Sort the Data by the Title column.
  3. You will see titles like "Gone with the Wind" and "Gone with the Wind /" on the list because spaces count, so if there is one space difference, they will be both listed.
  4. You can tally up your total from the results.
  5. You might consider fixing the Transactions so the Titles are all the same if you want.
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