What do I need to know to start SAML with ILLiad?
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Explore these Documents:
- View the Atlas document on RemoteAuth: Configuring the Integrated SAML Module
Start investigating what is required for Step 1 in the “RemoteAuth: Configuring the Integrated SAML Module: Configuration Steps and Responsibilities. Work with local IT staff and your IdP to set up the RemoteAuthValidation table in the ILLiad Customization Manager. See RemoteAuthValidation Table Values for more guidance on this process. - For SAML to work properly, set up the RemoteAuthValidation Table.
- Here are some frequently asked questions about the RemoteAuthValidation Table.
Contact OCLC Support with the answers to these questions:
- What flavor of SAML does your current authentication system support? (Azure, OpenAthens, Shibboleth, etc.)
- What kind of timeline are you looking to make the switch? (Note: during testing, logins, new registrations, and new requests may not save.)
- How should your patrons' ILLiad UserNames change, and if so, how?
- Are you able to provide your detailed IdP metadata and RemoteAuthValidation Table at this time?
(This is for Step 2 in “RemoteAuth: Configuring the Integrated SAML Module: Configuration Steps and Responsibilities”: Local staff should provide hosting staff with their detailed IdP metadata to complete this process. Please refer to your IdP's documentation for details on obtaining this information. The metadata and the RemoteAuthValidation Table are necessary for SAML functionality.) - Are you able to acquire a temporary account to use for testing that SAML is set up correctly? (This can take time for some institutions, so is worth asking about as soon as possible.)
Additional information
Here are all of Atlas' documents on Authentication. SAML also allows Automatic User Creation.