The ILLiad PDF Viewer Addon is not pointing to the PDF folder, how do I fix this issue?
- You are using the ILLiad PDF Viewer Addon and it is not pointing to the PDF folder on the Web Server. You need to fix it
Applies to
- ILLiad
To update the PDF Viewer Addon, you need to follow these steps:
- Go to the ILLiad Client and click on System and then Manage Addons.
- Click on the PDF viewer Addon.
- There is a setting for the PDF Location. Update that setting to the correct location for the PDF folder. By default, this would be The program will then put in the TransactionNumber.pdf at the end, so be sure there is a / after PDF in the URL.
- Save your change.
You do not have to close the ILLiad Client for this change to be used in ILLiad.