ILLiad printing Barcode is showing the Transaction Number and not the ILL Number
- You are printing in ILLiad and when you scan the barcode, it is showing the Transaction Number rather than the ILL number instead of the Barcode for the ILL number
Applies to
- ILLiad
To fix the issue, you will need to do the following:
1. The easiest way to fix this is if you have another field that is working correctly on another Word document that is using the ILL number for the barcode, then you can copy that field over from one form to another.
If you do not have that field on another form, then you need to do the following:
1. Highlight the barcode font and change the font to Arial. You will now see what is showing. It might show something like *Transactions_TransactionNumber*
2. You highlight the field, go up the Mailing ribbon, and select the Insert Merge Field drop-down.
3. Go down the list and choose "ILL Number."
4. This process will insert the Transactions_ILLNumber field.
5. Make sure the field now looks like *Transactions_ILLNumber* and highlight the entry, including the asterisks.
6. Right-click on the field and choose fonts. Then select Barcode 3 of 9
You will now see the barcode font as it is supposed to be. You can print the Word document and verify it is working.
You can do this with any field that has the wrong information printed.