Can our librarians work from home when we are an ILLiad OCLC Hosted site?
- Can our librarians work from home or are they required to be on campus to use ILLiad when you are an OCLC Hosted site
Applies to
- ILLiad
Yes, ILLiad staff can work from home. OCLC limits ILLiad by IP address, so ILLiad staff need to have a VPN connection that assigns an IP address that is within the institution's IP address range.
- If your site is hosted, please contact OCLC Support, and we can add the IP address to the ILLiad Hosted Firewall.
- To verify the IP address seen after connecting through VPN is owned by the library, visit Arin Online and put the IP address on the top right search box. If the results show an Internet Service Provider and not the library, then contact your institution's IT staff and let them know that individual ILLiad machines will need to be assigned an IP address within the campus ranges. If your institution wants to use a split tunnel VPN, your IT must ensure that ILLiad and it's traffic (see step 3 below) are connected to an institutional IP address. There is no way for OCLC to confirm that a split tunneling VPN is connecting to the proper address, so we prefer to work with regular VPN setups.
- The library firewall should allow access to the SQL Server's address on port 1433 by default and 1344 as an alternate. The web server address should allow ports 222 and 7968 (Article Electronic Delivery).
A non-VPN solution is to use a remote access program, such as Remote Desktop, to access a computer already on the institution's network that runs ILLiad. If the institution is hosted, remoting into a computer with an IP that's already on the Hosted Firewall works.