Search tips for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging
This document provides information about searching for library staff who help plan the configuration of the library's Z39.50 client. It also helps those who train or supervise staff who will use the OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging service.
For OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging, searching methods are determined by the capabilities of the OCLC server and by the implementation of the capabilities in your library's local system client. For example, the server makes several indexes available for searching. The library decides which indexes its client will support and how staff will use them.
The Configuration guide for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging also contains information about the server's searching capabilities.
For information describing MARC record structure, character sets, and exchange media formatting, see OCLC-MARC Records.
SCIPIO: Art and Rare Book Sales Catalog. This database is the only online union catalog of auction catalog records in existence. These records have been loaded into WorldCat. To search for only SCIPIO records, just search as you normally would and add the Authentication Code index with “scipio” to your search.
General search tips
Databases available
In addition to OLUCWorldCat, you can use the OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging service to search these OCLC databases:
Database | More information |
OCLCAuthoritiesLC | Search tips for OCLC Z39.50 Authorities: Library of Congress indexes and indexed fields |
Canadiana (CAOONL) | Search tips for OCLC Z39.50 Authorities:Canadiana indexes and indexed fields |
Depending upon your client, separate sessions may be required for each database.
Indexes available
The indexes provided by the server are listed in the section below about MARC fields and subfields indexed.
Word and phrase indexes
Most indexes in OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging are word or phrase indexes. The following examples highlight the differences between them:
- To search for the title Baffled, but not beaten, or, Nick Carter's fight for life in a phrase index, you must enter the entire title: baffled but not beaten or nick carters fight for life. Your search finds only records containing that specific title.
In a word index you enter one-or-more words from the title, for example, you might enter baffled and beaten. Your search finds the records containing the title Baffled, but not beaten, or, Nick Carter's fight for life and it also finds other records containing baffled and beaten.
- To search for the title Emma in a phrase index, you enter emma. Your search finds only records containing that one-word title.
In a word index, if you enter emma, your search finds all records containing emma anywhere in the title.
Index browsing
The OCLC server supports the Z39.50 Scan Service capability. If your client supports that capability, you can browse indexes to view a list of the words or phrases included. When you want to use a phrase index, OCLC recommends browsing it first to verify the phrase before searching.
In word indexes. Stopwords (listed below) are words that are not included in word indexes because they occur frequently and do not add to the content of the indexes. Exclude stopwords from searches in word indexes. If you include a stopword in a word index search, the server returns an error message.
In phrase indexes. Include stopwords in searches of phrase indexes. However, exclude a, an, or the when it is the first word of a title.
a | for | in | she | was |
an | from | into | so | were |
and | had | is | than | when |
are | has | it | that | which |
as | have | its | the | with |
at | he | not | their | would |
be | her | of | there | you |
but | his | on | this | |
by | if | or | to |
Punctuation and symbols
Include the following letters, digits, punctuation marks, and symbols in searches:
- Letters, a-z
- Digits, 0-9
- - (hyphen) within words
- & (ampersand) within words
You do not need to capitalize names or other proper nouns in searches. All letters are treated as lowercase whether you enter them as lowercase or uppercase.
Exclude hyphens when they are preceded and followed by blank spaces. Include them within words, such as high-energy. Search for hyphenated words in various ways. For example: post operative, post-operative, postoperative.
When an ampersand (&) is preceded and followed by blank spaces, exclude it in word indexes but include it in phrase indexes. Include ampersands within words in word or phrase indexes. For example, enter at&t.
Substitute a space for a / (slash). For example, enter men women instead of men/women.
Exclude other punctuation marks and symbols. Do not substitute a space for them. For example, to search for O'Hara, enter ohara.
Index-specific search tips
When searching for International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSNs), International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs), and Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCNs), use the following rules:
- Enter an ISSN with a hyphen. For example, to search for ISSN 0043-5651, enter: 0043-5651
- Enter an ISBN without hyphens. For example, to search for ISBN 0-316-08275-9, enter: 0316082759
- Enter an LCCN as an eight- or ten-digit number without a hyphen. The first two or four (beginning 2001) digits represent the year; the remainder of the number has six digits including leading zeros. For example:
- to search for the LCCN 86-3211, enter: 86003211
- to search for the LCCN 2001-33918, enter: 2001033918
Music number
Music number searching has been normalized. Data is concatenated up to parentheses, periods and dashes ( “ab(123)”, “ab.123”, and “ab-123” are all searchable as “ab123”). Each music number up to a comma is indexed alone. All letters of your search term are significant and should be included. The maximum number of valid numbers per record is 20.
Dewey Decimal classification
Dewey Decimal classification indexes use only the subject portion of the call numbers assigned. Decimal points are retained. Concatenate all spaces and ignore all punctuations except periods.
For example, to search for the subject Manned space flight, enter: 629.45.
Library of Congress classification
Library of Congress classification indexes use only the subject portion of the call numbers assigned. Zero ranging has been eliminated. Only subfield a of the classification number is searchable. For example “QA74.M7” can now only be accessed under “QA74”.
Government document number
Delete all punctuation and spaces to search government document numbers.
For example, to search for Y 4.P 96/10:N 81 d, enter: y4p9610n81d
Subject heading phrase
Each part of a subject heading is indexed as a separate phrase. For example, Ireland--History--Civil War, 1922-1923 is indexed as the following phrases:
- ireland
- history
- civil war 1922-1923
Right truncation is supported for subject heading phrases.
Title phrase
Omit initial articles (a, an, the, and the non-English equivalents) from your title search.
The title and subtitle (subfields a and b of the 245 field) are combined and indexed as a single phrase. For example, Around the majors in 60 days : my baseball dream is indexed as around the majors in 60 days my baseball dream. Because right truncation is supported for title phrases, you can enter around the majors to search for this title and others that begin around the majors, if right truncation is set.
If your client supports the Z39.50 Scan Service, you can browse indexes to view a list of the words or phrases included. OCLC recommends browsing the title phrase index before searching to verify the phrase to use.
Authors names in phrase indexes
When searching a subject phrase index for records describing materials about an author (or any person), enter the last name first and then the first name. Do not enter a comma after the last name.
When searching an author phrase index for records describing materials by an author, enter the last name first, a comma, and then the first name.
If your client supports the Z39.50 Scan Service, you can browse indexes to view a list of the words or phrases included. OCLC recommends browsing the author phrase index before searching to verify the phrase to use.
When you browse an author phrase index, last names that begin with the same word are listed in the following order:
- Two-word unhyphenated last names
- Two-word hyphenated last names
- Single-word last names
For example, the following names would appear in the order shown below:
- lloyd weber, andrew
- lloyd-jones, charles
- lloyd, alan
Date of sale (SCIPIO only)
You can enter a date of sale as a single day (month-day-year or month-year) or as a date range.
- Single day: Enter April 15, 2005 as 04152005
Single month: Enter April, 2005 as 042005
- Date range. Enter any date within the range. Given a record representing a sale held from June 25, 1955 to July 9, 1955, users should be able to enter:
Date range: 06291955 (June 29, 1955) or 06301955-07311955 (June 30-July 3, 1955)
MARC fields and subfields indexed
Note: The Update Date does not display in the record. The 005 field displays the current date and time.
For each index, the table below lists the combinations of Use and Structure attributes used to access the index through the OCLC Z39.50 server. The table also lists the MARC fields and subfields covered by the index. Where "word" is valid as a structure attribute, "word list" is valid as well.
Please note that WorldCat indexing does not directly follow the Bib-1 attribute set and there may be local differences between what OCLC has mapped and the Bib-1 attribute set available on the Library of Congress Z39.50 Maintenance Agency Page.
Z39.50 attribute map for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging indexing
Keyword Index
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed | |
1016/word 5110/word |
Author keyword1 Title keyword1 Notes1 Subject1 Publisher1 Place of Publication1 008 Date 1 008 Date 2 020/az 034/abdefgz3 052/ab 255/abcde 502/bcdgo 506/af 518/dop 530/bcd3 586/a 1These fields are fully described further down in this documentation. |
Access Method
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed | |
1209/word 5856/word |
856/u Each punctuation is a separation to a new "word" in the URL. Stopwords are not included for this index. Note: |
Access Restrictions
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5068/word, phrase | 506/af |
Action Note
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5016/word | 583/achil235 |
Auction House Name (SCIPIO only)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5060/word, phrase | 110/a-enu |
Authentication Code
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6900/word, phrase | 042/a |
Author Keyword1
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1003/word 5003/word |
100/abcdjqu 110/abcdenu 111/acdenqu 245/c 505/r 508/a 511/a 550/a 700/abcdjqu 710/abcden 711/acdenq 720/a 770/a 773/a 780/a 785/a 787/a 790/abcdjqu 791/abcden 792/acdenq 796/abcdjqu 797/abcden 798/acdenq 800/abcdqu 810/abcden 811/acdenq 896/abcdqu 897/abcen 898/acdenq 1Commas not necessary for searching names |
Author Phrase1
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1003/phrase 5003/phrase |
100/abcdjq 110/abcdn 111/acdenq 700/abcdjq 710/abcdn 711/acdenq 720/a 790/abcdjq 791/abcdn 792/acdenq 796/abcdjq 797/abcdn 798/acdenq 1The first comma in the phrase is retained in the search for data in the 100 and 700 fields used for personal names. In Author Phrase, the other corporate and conference authors do not retain any commas. |
Cataloging Source
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6119/phrase | 040/ac |
Character Sets
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6111/word | 066/c Valid terms are: Note:
Citation Index (former Lugt/Lancour) (SCIPIO only)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5940/word, phrase | 510/ac |
Collection Level
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5999/word | 773/w 810/w 811/w 830/w |
Collector or Seller Name(s) (SCIPIO only)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5063/word, phrase | 600/a-djq 653/a 696/a-djq |
Cooperative Programs
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1019/word | 008 <source> 040/ac 042/a From Scrc code in 008, 040, and 042 fields Note: |
Corporate & Conference Name1,2
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1005/word, phrase 1006/word, phrase |
110/abcdenu1 111/acdenqu 653/a if the 2nd indicator is 2 or 3 710/abcden1 711/acdenq 1The 110/eu and 710/e are only available in the keyword forms of their respective indexes. |
791/abcden2 792/acdenq 797/abcden2 798/acdenq 2The 791/e and 797/e are only available in the keyword forms of their respective indexes. |
Country of Publication
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6104/word, phrase | 008/15-17 044/ac |
Date Created as MARC
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5991/word, phrase | 008/00-05 "Entered" Note: Enter date in the format yyyymmdd (y=year, m=month, d=day). |
Date of Sale (SCIPIO only)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1145/word, date | 033/a |
Description Conventions
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5067/word | 040/e |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5650/word,phrase | 600/x 610/x 611/x 630/x 650/abx 651/x 653/a if the 2nd indicator is 0 655/x 690/abx 691/x 696/x 697/x 698/x 699/x |
Dewey Decimal
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
13/word | 082/a 092/a 695/a if the 2nd indicator is 1 |
Dewey Decimal Edition (d2)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6100/word | 082/2 092/2 |
Document Type Restrictor
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1001/word, phrase | 008 <source> 945/f 008 Valid terms are: Note:
Entity Attributes
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6112/word, phrase | 046/kl 340/abcdefhijkmno 344/abcdefgh 345/ab 346/ab 347/abce 377/al 380/a 381/a 382/abdpv 383/abcde 384/a |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5655/word, phrase | 655/abv 600/v 610/v 611/v 630/v 650/v 651/v 653/a if the 2nd indicator is 6 690/v 691/v 696/v 697/v 698/v 699/v |
Geographic Coverage1,2
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
58/word, phrase | 043/a1 651/az 600/z 610/z 611/z 630/z 650/z 653/a if the 2nd indicator is 5 655/z 1043/a is indexed as the English terms represented by the codes. |
Government Number
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
50/word | 074/a 086/az |
Individual Auctioneer's Name (SCIPIO only)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5039/word, phrase | 700/a-djqu 796/a-djqu |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
7/word, phrase | 020/az |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
8/word, phrase | 022/ayz |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5558/word, phrase | 022/lm |
Language Index/Restrictor
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
54/word,phrase | 008 language (USMARC code) 041/2 if the 2nd indicator is 7 041/a if the 1st indicator is 0 041/bdefgj 377/a |
Language of Cataloging Description
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1183/word | 040/b |
LC Children's Literature Subject Headings (2nd indicator = 1)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1008/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 691/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
LC Classification
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
16/word, phrase | 050/ad 055/a 090/a 695/a if the 2nd indicator is 0 Note:
LC Subject Headings (2nd indicator = 0)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
27/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 691/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
9/phrase | 010/abz |
Library and Archives Canada Classification
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5055/word | 055/a Note:
Library and Archives Canada Subject Headings (2nd indicator = 5)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5300/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 691/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
Material Type Restrictor
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1031/word, phrase | 945/mnpq Based on information in the Leader, 006, 007, 008, and looking for terms in specific parts of the record Note: |
MESH Subject Headings (2nd indicator = 2)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5300/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 691/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
Music Number
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
51/word, phrase | 028/a1 1Music number standardized |
Musical Composition Restrictor
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5847/word, phrase | 006/01-02 if the 006/00 is c, d, i, j 008/18-19 if the Leader/06 is c, d, i, j 047/a |
NAL Classification
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
18/word | 070/a Note:
NAL Subject Headings (2nd indicator = 3)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5300/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 691/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
Named Conference and Corporation
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5610/word, phrase 5611/word, phrase |
610/abcdnp 611/acdenpq 697/abcdnp 698/acdenpq |
Named Person1
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1009/word, phrase | 600/abcdjq 653/a if the 2nd indicator is 1 696/abcdjq 1The first comma is retained as part of the search for this index only. |
National Bibliographic Number
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
48/word | 015/az2 |
NLM Classification
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
17/word, phrase | 060/ab 096/ab 695 ab if the 2nd indicator is 2 Note:
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
63/word | 500/a 501/a 502/abcdgo 504/a 505/art 506/af 508/a 511/a 518/a dop 520/ab 521/a 530/bcd3 533/abcdefn 534/at 536/abcdefgh 538/a 545/a 550/a 586/a 590/a 753/abc |
OCLC Accession Number
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
12/word, phrase 1211/word, phrase |
001 019/a |
Other Class Number
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5073/word, phrase | 055/a (2nd indicator = 6, 7, 8, or 9) 084/a 098/a 099/a 695 (2nd indicator = 4, 5, or 9) |
Other Format
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5029/phrase | 776/w Enter "(OCoLC)" with or without the parentheses, followed by the OCLC number. Any blanks or spaces that follow the OCLC number are ignored. "OCoLC" is not case-sensitive. Note: |
Other Subject Headings (2nd indicator = 7)1
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6136/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz2 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz2 611/acdegknpqtvxyz2 630/adkmnoprstvxyz2 648/avxyz2 650/abvxyz2 651/avxyz2 655/abvxyz2 690/abvxyz2 691/avxyz2 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz2 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz2 698/acdegknpqtvxyz2 699/adkmnoprstvxyz2 1Subfield 2 not available for phrase |
Personal Name
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1004/word, phrase | 100/abcdjqu 700/abcdjqu 790/abcdjqu 796/abcdjqu 1The first comma in the phrase is retained in the search for data in the 100 and 700 fields used for personal names. In Author Phrase, the other corporate and conference authors do not retain any commas. 2Subfield u not available for phrase |
Physical Description
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5995/word, phrase | 300/a |
Place of Publication
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
59/word | 257/a 260/ae 261/f 264/a 533/b 752/abcd |
Place of Sale (SCIPIO only)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5062/word | 500/a 518/a Text in these subfields must be preceded by "Place of sale:" or "Place of auction:". Note: |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1018/word, phrase | 260/bf 261/abe 264/b 533/c |
Report Number
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1027/word, phrase | 027/az 088/a Collapse all punctuation. Note: |
Répertoire des vedettes matière (2nd indicator = 6)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
28/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 619/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
Sale Code (SCIPIO only)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5030/word, phrase | 024/a |
Sears Subject Headings (2nd indicator = 8)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1210/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 691/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
Series Title
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5/word, phrase | 440/anpvx 490/avx 533/f 534/f 760/astxy 762/astxy 800/abcdegkmnopqrstv 810/abcdegkmnoprstv 811/acdegknpstv 830/adfgkmnoprstv 896/abcdegkmnopqrstv 897/abcdegkmnoprstv 898/acdegknpstv 899/adfgkmnoprstv |
Standard Number
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1007/word, phrase | 010/abz 015/az 016/az 020/az 022/almyz 024/az 027/az 028/a 030/az 037/a 088/a 440/x 490/x 534/oxz 700/x 710/x 711/x 730/x 760/xyz 762/xyz 770/ruxyz 773/uxyz 776/xyz 780/xyz 785/xyz 790/x 791/x 792/x 793/x 796/x 797/x 798/x 799/x |
Subject All
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5090/ phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 653/a 655/abvxyz |
Subject Headings
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
21/word, phrase | 600/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 610/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 611/acdegknpqtvxyz 630/adkmnoprstvxyz 648/avxyz 650/abvxyz 651/avxyz 653/a 655/abvxyz 690/abvxyz 691/avxyz 696/abcdegjkmnopqrstvxyz 697/abcdegkmnoprstvxyz 698/acdegknpqtvxyz 699/adkmnoprstvxyz |
Title Key (Unique Serial Title)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
33/word, phrase | 222/ab |
Title Keyword
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
4/word 5245/word |
100/t 110/t 111/t 130/adfgkmnoprst 210/a 214/a 222/ab 240/adfgkmnoprs 242/abnp 243/adfgkmnoprs 245/abfgknp 246/abnp 247/abnp 440/anp 490/a 505/t 700/gkmnoprst 710/dgkmnoprst 711/gknpst 730/adfgkmnoprst 740/anp 770/ast 773/pst 780/st 785/st 787/st 790/gkmnoprst 791/dgkmnoprst 792/gknpst 793/adfgkmnoprst 796/gkmnoprst 797/dgkmnoprst 798/gknpst 799/adfgkmnoprst 800/gkmnoprst 810/dgkmnoprst 811/gknpst 830/adfgkmnoprstv 896/gkmnoprst 897/dgkmnoprst 898/gknpst 899/adfgkmnoprstv |
Title Phrase1
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
4/phrase 5245/phrase |
130/adfgkmnoprst 222/ab 240/adfgkmnoprs 245/abfgknp1 246/abnp 505/t 730/adfgkmnoprst 740/anp 793/adfgkmnoprst 799/adfgkmnoprst 1245 subfields a and b can be combined in phrase search |
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
14/word | 080/a 695/a if the 2nd indicator is 3 |
Uniform Title
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
6/word, phrase | 130/adfgkmnoprst 240/adfgkmnoprs 243/adfgkmnoprs 700/kmnopqrst 710/dgkmnporst 711/dgknpst 730/adfgkmnoprst 790/gkmnoprst 791/dgkmnoprst 792/dgknpst 793/adfgkmnoprst 796/gkmnoprst 797/dgkmnoprst 798/dgknpst 799/adfgkmnoprst |
Update Date
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
1012/word | 005/00-07 Note:
Vendor Information
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5938/word | 938/ab |
Year of Publication (Date1)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
31/year, date | 008 <Date1>1 046/c 1All Date1, even for date type "r", restrictor only |
Year of Publication (Date2)
Use/Structure attrib. | MARC fields and subfields indexed |
5031/year, date | 008 <Date2> 046e |
Z39.50 users can see other institutions' specific holdings in full records only via multiple 948 fields. To view holdings, users must configure their service for either Element Set Name FD (view default holdings) or Element Set Name FA (view all holdings). The resulting records will have the same display as Element Set Name F but with holdings.
Note: Holdings display is not available for Element Set Names F1, F2, F3 (non-Latin data).
See Configuration guide for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging for additional information.
Default holdings
When you choose default holdings, the default is determined as follows:
If... | Then... |
More than 20 libraries hold the item and 10 or more of them are in your location (U.S. state, Canadian province, other country, or other continent). | The system displays holdings information for libraries in your location. |
More than 20 libraries hold the item and fewer than 10 of them are in your location, but 10 or more of them are in your region. | The system displays holdings information for libraries in your region. For more information about regions, see Regional Groupings in Library Holdings Display. |
20 or fewer libraries hold the item or more than 20 libraries hold the item, but fewer than 10 of them are in your location or region. | The system displays all holdings information. |
948 fields
The 948 fields are configured as follows:
Subfield... | Contains |
a | ISO country code |
b | U.S. state or Canadian province information; for all other countries this field is not included |
c | OCLC institution symbol |
d | Library name |
The 948 fields are listed alphabetically by library name.
- 948 ‡a US ‡b OH ‡c APL ‡d Akron-Summit Cnty Pub Libr
- 948 ‡a US ‡b OH ‡c SID ‡d Amos Mem Pub Libr
- 948 ‡a US ‡b OH ‡c OH9WF ‡d Avon Lake Pub Libr
Note: Widely-held items with large numbers of 948 fields may produce records too large for some Z39.50 clients to display.
Non-Latin scripts
Z39.50 Cataloging supports non-Latin scripts using either the MARC-8 or the UTF-8 Unicode character sets (see MARC-8 note).
Four options are available. Note that fields may have a different overall appearance and 880 fields may not display in your particular Z39.50 client. See Configuration guide for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloging for details on selecting an option..
Note: All records shown are MARC-8.
- Include all data, with non-Latin scripts in the 880 field(s).
- Include Latin script only [no 880 field(s)].
- Include all data, with Latin script in the 880 field(s).
- Include non-Latin scripts only [no 880 fields(s)].
MARC-8 note
Note: When the MARC-8 default is retained, UTF-8 Unicode characters that cannot be converted to MARC-8 are displayed as hexadecimal numeric character references