What can cause WorldCat Cataloging Partners to not output labels
- I expected to receive labels for records output as part of WorldCat Cataloging Partners (WCP)
Applies to
- WorldShare Collection Manager
- WorldCat Cataloging Partners (WCP)
The information below explains how and when OCLC outputs labels for WCP records
- OCLC matches the vendor data to a WorldCat record.
- If no record is available in WorldCat or the library holdings are already set on the record in WorldCat then:
- Collection can be set to deliver PDR records
- PDR records do not have call numbers by default.
- This results in no label being sent
- If no record is available in WorldCat or the library holdings are already set on the record in WorldCat then:
OCLC looks in the WorldCat record for a call number that matches the scheme specified by the library as preferred
Scenarios where a label is not sent.
If the call number is not in the record then no label is sent.
If the call number is not complete (has a subfield $a and $b)
If the call number is not in the field in which the member set the collection to look for it.
Additional information
Cataloging Partners uses a Guidelines for call number selection when selecting call numbers for MARC delivery.
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