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OCLC Support

I'm receiving MARC records from a collection daily, even though the collection's frequency is not daily


  • You are receiving MARC record files daily for a collection with a delivery frequency set to something else

Applies to

  • WorldShare Collection Manager


This is likely being caused by titles overlapping between this collection and a different collection which is set to daily. If the "Isolated" checkbox is not selected for a delivery template, records will be delivered to all files where they belong for consistency, regardless of frequency.

For example, you have two collections selected, Collection A and Collection B. Collection A has a delivery frequency of monthly, whereas Collection B has a delivery frequency of daily, and is set to output a full set of records with every delivery. Neither is isolated, but both are set to deliver to specific filenames.

If Title 1 is included in both collections, it will get delivered twice—once for Collection B's daily run, and once for Collection A, for consistency. So while Collection A is not set to daily output, you could receive more frequent files for this collection if titles overlap with other collections.

One additional aspect that may help you determine why a record is delivered is including the Reason for Record Output in your records. To add that to your Collection Manager record customizations, see Customize Records.

Additional information

MARC Record Delivery Troubleshooting

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