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OCLC Support

I received a MARC record delivery for a collection, even though I disabled record delivery

  • You received a delivery of MARC records from a collection even though you disabled MARC records or deleted the collection
Applies to
  • WorldShare Collection Manager

This can happen if, for example, you disabled MARC records after the collection's file had already started indexing records for the week, month, or quarter.

For example, if you created a collection on January 1st and set the MARC record delivery to weekly, the collection's initial file would be delivered on January 2nd. If you decided to disable record delivery on January 5th, for example, you would still receive a file of records delivered on January 9th, as the collection's weekly file had already started indexing records before the setting was changed.

This can also happen if the titles are also found in other collections that have record delivery still enabled, or if WorldCat Updates are turned on but not set to deliver in a separate file. If the "Isolated" checkbox is not selected for a delivery template, records will be delivered to all files where they belong for consistency, regardless of frequency. 

If you have additional questions about why your files were delivered, contact OCLC Support with your OCLC Symbol and the filename about which you have questions.

Additional information

MARC Record Delivery Troubleshooting

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