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WorldCat Holdings

Find information about the WorldCat Holdings setting in WorldShare Collection Manager Institution Settings.

Collection Manager allows libraries with an OCLC Cataloging Subscription or CatExpress subscription to set holdings in WorldCat based on titles in their Collection Manager instance. Collection Manager will automatically maintain holdings in WorldCat as titles in dynamic collections are added, deleted, or updated.

By default, the WorldCat Holdings setting is disabled in institution settings. WorldCat Holdings settings are not applicable to query collections or to collection-level settings to create data sync collections in Collection Manager.

Manage Holdings in Collection Manager

Collection Manager sets holdings on your print and electronic resources selected in the knowledge base allowing you to represent your subscription access as it changes dynamically over time. The holding is set on the override OCLC number (OCN) listed in the collection. 

If WorldCat holdings were initially set by another process, such as Record Manager or Connexion, the holding status of the title is taken over by Collection Manager when selected in a collection. If at any point you disable WorldCat holdings within the collection or a title is removed from your collection, Collection Manager will remove the WorldCat holding as well as any Local Bibliographic Data attached to the title. However, if the title contains a Local Holdings Record, the WorldCat holding and the LHR will be retained on the record. 

 Note: When WorldCat holdings are updated due to an OCLC number change in the WorldCat knowledge base, OCLC will automatically move local data (Local Bibliographic Data/Local Holding Records) to the new record in WorldCat. This benefits your library's users as local data moves to the correct WorldCat record held by your library.

Enable holdings maintenance across all of your collections

  1. Navigate to Institution Settings > WorldCat Holdings.
  2. Set Maintain holdings in WorldCat to Yes.
  3. Now that you have enabled WorldCat Holdings in the institution settings, the setting activates default settings across your collections. Review the list of default collection-level settings:
    • Enabled for all collections you have selected or will select from the global WorldCat knowledge base and enabled for knowledge base collections you have created
    • Disabled for open-access knowledge base collections
    • Enabled for cataloging partner collections you have created or will create. The settings will take effect when you activate your cataloging partner collections. You have the option to use the collection-level setting in cataloging partner collections to delay setting holdings in WorldCat by up to 180 days
  4. Follow the instructions to change a collection-level WorldCat Holdings setting if needed.

Change a collection-level WorldCat Holdings setting

  1. Search for the collection. See Search for collections in Collection Manager.
  2. Click on the name of the collection to open it and expand the collection-level Holdings accordion.
  3.  Adjust the setting within the collection. The options are:
    • Use institution setting (Enabled)
    • Disable for this collection

 WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and Tipasa libraries: Make sure you have an appropriate deflection policy in place. See How to deflect lending requests (knowledge base collections) or, if you have a subscription to License Manager, see How to deflect lending requests (License Manager). Most libraries experience an immediate increase in lending requests after setting holdings in WorldCat.

Manage WorldCat holdings audience levels

WorldCat holdings audience levels allow WorldShare Management Services (WMS) libraries to control who can see if they have specific titles or copies of an item in their collection. By assigning a specific level to a holding, you can suppress the holding from the general public.

Select the default audience level for knowledge base collections, data sync collections, and cataloging partner collections. From the Holding Audience Level drop-down, select one of the following options:

  • All Users: Display to everyone using WorldCat.
  • My Library Users: Display to everyone within my instance of WorldCat Discovery
  • My Authenticated Users: Display to library staff and users who have logged in with their WorldCat Discovery credentials or are recognized by IP address
  • My Library staff: Display to library staff in the WorldShare user interface and when authenticated as staff in WorldCat Discovery

Select whether to override the previously added audience levels for titles appearing in knowledge base collections by selecting Yes or No under Change Existing Bibliographic Holding Audience Level.

WorldCat holdings audience levels can be managed at the collection level for the following collection types:

For more information, refer to WorldCat holdings audience levels.