How does Collection Manager manage WorldCat holdings for knowledge base collections?

Applies to

Collection Manager can manage WorldCat holdings set by other services

Collection Manager is OCLC's recommended method for setting holdings on e-resources because it allows it to represent your subscription access as it changes dynamically over time. The collection Manager will set holdings on the override OCLC number (OCN) listed in the collection. 

Collection Manager can take over WorldCat holdings set by another process. If at any point you disable WorldCat holdings within the collection or a title falls out of your collection, Collection Manager will remove the WorldCat holding.

However, Collection Manager will NOT remove WorldCat holdings for titles you have selected in a different collection that maintains holdings or has an LHR attached. Collection Manager cannot remove LHRs, and an LHR cannot be on a record if no holding is set on the record. You will need to remove the LHR and the WorldCat holding via another process.

Timing for setting holdings in WorldCat

After you select a knowledge base collection, it takes 24-48 hours to set holdings on titles in WorldCat.

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