WorldCat Administrative Area (Organization)
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Discover details about WorldCat Administrative Area, a subclass of WorldCat Organization.
Note: Administrative Area (Place) and Administrative Area (Organization) are the same class. The parentheticals are only added so as to show it in both places within the hierarchy.
Administrative Area
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Subclass of |
---|---|---| | Place(s) with a fixed location and extent which an agent has, or claims to have, jurisdiction. | WorldCat Place, WorldCat Organization |
Declared Properties
administratively part of
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Administrative area which exercises or claims to exercise political control over the administrative area. | WorldCat Administrative Area |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Primary city of the country, state or other type of administrative area. | WorldCat Administrative Area |
Inherited from Organization
absorbed by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that is or is claimed to be incorporated or subsumed into the place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
absorption of
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that incorporates or subsumes, or claims to incorporate or subsume, the place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
acquired by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object | Scope note |
---|---|---|---| | Organization or place has agent that purchased it or claimed ownership. | WorldCat Transactional Event | Acquisition can take the form of non-financial transfers of ownership, such as gifts or donations. Acquisition can also take the the form of unjust and/or extralegal actions such as theft, coercion, or occupation. The definition of this property is not intended to confer legitimacy to any such injustices. Note that claims of ownership may be disputed. See the DEI statement in the ontology primer for more information. |
founded by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Administrative area or organization has agent responsible for establishing or originating the entity. | WorldCat Role |
head of organization
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Organization has agent that fulfills the role of primary leader, figurehead, or functionary. | WorldCat Role |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Organization has place that serves as its primary business location | WorldCat Place |
merged to form
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Two or more places or organizations that were integrated or merged to form the place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
merger of
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that resulted from the merger of two or more places or organizations. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
official language
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Primary language of the administrative area or organization as determined by the administrative area or organization. | SKOS Concept |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Organization or place has agent with legal possession. | WorldCat Role |
parent organization
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Organization has larger organization of which it is a subordinate part. | WorldCat Organization |
separated from
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that results from the detachment or division from the other place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
separated into
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that is divided into another place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
type detail
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Entity has concept that specifies its character, nature, and/or function. | SKOS Concept |
Inherited from Place
absorbed by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object | Scope note |
---|---|---|---| | Place or organization that is or is claimed to be incorporated or subsumed into the place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event | Absorption is not intended to confer legitimacy to act of injustice. See the DEI statement in the ontology primer for more information. |
absorption of
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object | Scope note |
---|---|---|---| | Place or organization that incorporates or subsumes, or claims to incorporate or subsume, the place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event | Absorption is not intended to confer legitimacy to act of injustice. See the DEI statement in the ontology primer for more information. |
acquired by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object | Scope note |
---|---|---|---| | Organization or place has agent that purchased it or claimed ownership. | WorldCat Transactional Event | Acquisition can take the form of non-financial transfers of ownership, such as gifts or donations. Acquisition can also take the the form of unjust and/or extralegal actions such as theft, coercion, or occupation. The definition of this property is not intended to confer legitimacy to any such injustices. Note that claims of ownership may be disputed. See the DEI statement in the ontology primer for more information. |
contained in place
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Basic containment relation between a place and another place. | WorldCat Place |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Measurement of the height above sea level for the place. | WorldCat Measurement |
geographic coordinates
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | System for the precision locating of fixed points on the earth or another planetary body. | literal |
merged to form
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Two or more places or organizations that were integrated or merged to form the place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
merger of
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that resulted from the merger of two or more places or organizations. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Agent or place has agent with legal possession. | WorldCat Role |
place address
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place has address at which it is located. | WorldCat Postal Address |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place has measurement of the number of persons present in the place. | WorldCat Measurement |
separated from
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that results from the detachment or division from the other place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
separated into
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place or organization that is divided into another place or organization. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
spatial area
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Place has measured surface area. | WorldCat Measurement |
type detail
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Entity has concept that specifies its character, nature, and/or function. | SKOS Concept |
Inherited from Agent
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object | Scope note |
---|---|---|---| | Agent has organization or place that it purchased or over which it claimed ownership. | WorldCat Transactional Event | Acquisition can take the form of non-financial transfers of ownership, such as gifts or donations. Acquisition can also take the the form of unjust and/or extralegal actions such as theft, coercion, or occupation. The definition of this property is not intended to confer legitimacy to any such injustices. Note that claims of ownership may be disputed. See the DEI statement in the ontology primer for more information. |
active end date
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Date on which ends the agent's period of creative activity. | OWL time instant |
active start date
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Date on which begins the agent's period of creative activity. | OWL time instant |
award received
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Formal honor, decoration, or prize which the agent or work has received. | SKOS Concept |
employed by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Agent has relationship with agent for whom they function as an employee. | WorldCat Role |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Agent which forces the person or family into involuntary servitude. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
field of activity
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Area of interest for which the agent is known as an active participant or contributor. | SKOS Concept |
genre of activity
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Subject, theme, or topic to which the agent is known as an active contributor. | SKOS Concept |
ghostwriter for
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Agent that writes on behalf of the agent. | WorldCat Agent |
influenced by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Agent who affects the creative or intellectual development of another agent. | WorldCat Agent |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Language associated with the work or agent. | SKOS Concept |
member of
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Organization or family to which the agent is an active contributor or participant, or to which the agent belongs. | WorldCat Organization OR WorldCat Family |
nominated for
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Award or honor for which the agent or work was recommended or considered. | SKOS Concept |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Relationship between an agent and an alternate identity. | WorldCat Agent |
Inherited from Thing
alternative label
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Alternate forms of the label for a WorldCat Entity. | literal |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing has time instance on which it occurred. | OWL time instant |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Entity has statement which explains its fundamental characteristics, nature, or purpose. | literal |
end date
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Date on which the thing was completed, terminated, dissolved, abolished, or expired. | OWL time instant |
has part
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Super-property for all whole-to-part relationships. | OWL thing |
iiif manifest
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing has relationship to a IIIF Manifest that can be used to generate a IIIF compliant image, video, or audio bitstream. | RDFS Resource |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Still visual representation of the thing. | RDFS Resource |
is part of
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Super-property for all part-to-whole relationships. | OWL Thing |
preceded by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Entity that follows or is preceded by the entity. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
preferred label
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Preferred label for the entity. | literal |
related agent
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing entity has agent to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to agent properties. | WorldCat Agent |
related concept
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing entity has concept to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to concept properties. | SKOS Concept |
related edition
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing entity has edition to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to edition properties. | WorldCat Edition |
related event
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing entity has event to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to event properties. | WorldCat Event |
related family
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing entity has family to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to family properties. | WorldCat Family |
related organization
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing has organization to which is is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to organization properties. | WorldCat Organization |
related person
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing entity has person to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to person properties. | WorldCat Person |
related place
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing entity has place to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to place properties. | WorldCat Place |
related work
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Thing has work to which it is related; a generic super-property designed to group all thing to work properties. | WorldCat Work |
same as
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | The property that determines that two given individuals are equal. | OWL Thing |
start date
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Date on which the thing was begun, originated, created, founded, or initiated. | OWL time instant |
succeeded by
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | Entity that is followed or is succeeded by the entity. | WorldCat Transactional Event |
URI (Universal Resource Identifier) | Description | Expected object |
---|---|---| | The subject is an instance of a class. | RDFS Class |