About WorldCat Entities
The WorldCat Entities user interface allows users to search, view, and download linked data WorldCat Entities and their associated information. Browse through entity results and explore how each entity links to other WorldCat Entities, external vocabularies, and authority files for further context.
To get started with WorldCat Entities, navigate to entities.oclc.org and use the search box to find and view entities.
- Search for and retrieve WorldCat Entity results.
- View detailed entity information.
- Customize the language of the UI.
- Copy the universal resource identifier (URI) of any entity.
- View references for an entity to discover related resources.
- Navigate from an entity to related entities by exploring properties.
WorldCat Entities API
To learn about OCLC APIs and get started with OCLC's WorldCat Entities API, see OCLC APIs > Get Started.
If you're ready to start using the WorldCat Entities API, the OCLC Developer Network can help you learn more. The OCLC Developer Network allows you to learn about OCLC APIs, view OCLC API documentation, and participate in the OCLC APIs community.