Terms (Relative Index and LCSH)
Learn how DDC Relative Index and Library of Congress subject headings function in WebDewey.
Most WebDewey records for schedule numbers and built numbers contain terms from the DDC Relative Index and Library of Congress subject headings associated with the class numbers. Most WebDewey records for manual numbers contain terms from the DDC Relative Index.
- Terms from the DDC Relative Index name the topics covered by the number in the record. Many Relative Index terms have subheadings (preceded by two hyphens) that indicate the discipline in which the topics are treated in the class represented by the number.
- Associated Library of Congress subject headings appear in records for most schedule numbers and built numbers in WebDewey. The headings are hyperlinked to subfield $a of the heading field in the corresponding LC subject authority record.
- View long list of terms by alphabetic group. Some WebDewey records e.g., 813.54, list large numbers of associated subject headings in the Terms box. In these records, the Terms section contains clickable hyperlinks to view associated subject terms.