Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the GetLabelSpine macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax | BOOL = CS.GetLabelSpine (sHoldingCode, sSpine) |
Use to | Returns the spine text based on the holding library code as it would appear in a label for the current record, so that you can modify it. Same as using View > Label to open a label for the current record for editing. |
Parameters | For sHoldingCode, enter the holding library code used to print the label, enclosedin quotation marks (determines the input stamps for the label). Enter the parameter sSpine to return the text of the label spine for editing. |
Return values | TRUE if the action is successful, or FALSE if not. |
Example | Sub Main()
Dim CS As Object CS.Search “WC”, “#1” nResult = CS.GetLabelSpine (“ZMYA”, sSpine) |
What this example does |