Summary of authority control functions
Discover a summary of authority control functions in Connexion client.
Available authority control functions
The following table is a brief summary of authority control functions available and how to do them. Sections following the table give detailed procedures.
Authority control function | How to ... |
Control a single heading | With the cursor in the heading field you want to control, click Edit > Control Headings > Single, click the Control Single Headings button (), press <F11>. Or Right-click the heading you want to control, and on the popup menu, click Control Single Heading. Controllable fields (x = any number):
Note: If the system finds the following, the system does not automatically control or insert a heading:
Control all headings in a record | With a bibliographic record displayed, click Edit > Control Headings > All or press <Shift><F11>.
Note: If some headings remain uncontrolled, you can try controlling each one individually. |
Remove authority control from a single heading | With the cursor in a tag or indicator of a heading field you want to uncontrol, click Edit > Control Headings > Uncontrol Single or press <Ctrl><F11>. Or Right-click the heading you want to uncontrol and click Uncontrol Single on the pop-up menu. |
Remove authority control from all headings in a record | With a bibliographic record open, click Edit > Control Headings > Uncontrol All or press <Alt><E><H><N>. |
- Client version 2.63 requires a space between other characters in the text of the field and the subfield delimiter to control a heading. The move to support all Unicode characters has changed the behavior of Latin Letter Aveolar (U+01C2) that the client uses for the delimiter symbol. Reformatting the record before you control headings adds the spaces automatically.
- The Control Single Heading and Uncontrol Single commands are available on the right-click menu when you right-click in a controllable field.
Notes on controlling genre/form headings in field 655
- Controlling headings in field 655 with second indicator 7 or 0 depends on whether the LCCN in the authority record has an sh or gf prefix in subfield a:
- If the LCCN in the authority record has the prefix sh, Connexion controls the heading in field 655 with second indicator 0.
- If the LCCN in the authority record has the prefix gf, Connexion controls the heading in 655 with second indicator 7 and with ‡2 lcgft added at the end of the field.
- If more than one genre authority records are found, and one has sh in ‡a of the 010 field, and another has gf in ‡a of the 010 field, Connexion opens the Control Headings window showing both matches. You will need to determine which heading should be inserted into the bibliographic record.
- Headings in field 655 with second indicator 4 cannot be controlled.
- Genre/form authority records should not be used in combination with Library of Congress subdivisions.
- See Technical Bulletin 259, Authorities System Changes for more details.