Fixed period subscriptions
The ordering process for fixed period subscriptions, such as a subscription to a looseleaf updating service or a subscription to an annual reference work is the same as for an MVSO except that the Multi-volume fixed period order type (MVFPO) should be selected on the Order Items layout.
Catalogue the Loose-leaf Title
Catalogue the title as normal and use the appropriate media type (you can use the Loose-leaf Publication media type if you wish, but there is no requirement to do so).
The cataloguing of the title can also be done as part of the Ordering process.
A completed title record may resemble this:
Note: Save the title prior to carrying out pre-generation of loose-leaf parts.
Complete the Management Sheet
Refer to the Serials Management training course manual for more details of the various elements shown on the Management sheet. This manual is available for download from the ‘For Customers’ website.
Complete the Management sheet as you would when setting up your Serials - adding Frequency and Citation Pattern.
Note: It is important to ensure the Part Media Type field is set to Loose-leaf Part.
If a Loose-leaf Copy record has not previously been created by ordering the item – then create one at this point.
Once you have clicked on Save and Continue the expected Looseleaf parts can be pre- generated.
Check the pre-generated loose-leaf parts for accuracy. If necessary make adjustments, save the record with the Save and Continue button and pre-generate again.
Next, the Loose-leaf parts need to be created for real. Select the Looseleaf Copies record and generate the issues.
The Preview Parts will now disappear but unlike serials they do not display as parts immediately. Click on and the loose-leaf parts will be displayed.
Order the MVFPO Title
As with serials there is no requirement to place orders for MVFPOs, however if you need to you should create an order record in the normal way.
Click on the New link below the Order Items field.
Click on the New Order Items button and the order items screen will load.
Navigate to the Main (MV) sheet of the layout.
Click on the Search link below the title field and search for and insert the title. Set the Multi Vol Order Type to Multi-volume fixed period order.
Enter the Subscription Start and End Dates. The Date First Issue Due is purely to enable the claims system for a new subscription.
Note: The other mandatory field is the Part Media Type. This must be set to Looseleaf Part
otherwise the issues generated will not be available for check-in.
Add the financial details as usual and save the order item. Make the order outstanding and save the record.
Check In an MVFPO
Open a Check In search from the Serials Management section of the menu. Change the search to an appropriate Looseleaf search e.g. Outstanding Looseleaf Parts By Title.
Search for the title to be checked in.
Select the issue to be checked-in and use the Automatic Check-In action.
If you want to check the details further before checking – just click on the issue to be checked in and carry out the check-in on the details screen.
Note: Unlike serial records, the Loose-leaf parts that have been received do not display on the Management sheet on the bibliographic record in OLIB Web. If you wish to check which parts have been received and/ or are outstanding you should do this via the Serials domain.
Procedures for handling errors at check-in and printing circulation lists for loose-leaf parts are identical to those for serials.
How does this look in WebView?
You will need to alter the configuration settings for WebView to customise your display. The settings which control this are:
In the Show array in the Details.ini file you can choose to show all parts in one field (“child_llfpts”) or to split the display into received parts (“child_llfptsrec”), expected parts (“child_llfptsexp”), most recently received (“child_llfptslrec”) or next expected (“child_llfptsnexp”). Here I have configured the system to show the received parts and the next expected part.
File Loose-leaf Parts
Once the loose-leaf Part has been checked in it will normally be passed on for filing. OLIB allows the filing date to be recorded against the loose-leaf part copy record.
To locate the Part record, run a Serial Issues by Serial Title search from the Titles domain.
Click on the relevant record to display it in the details view.
Click on the <link> in the Copies field to display the copy record.
Modify this record and adding the date the Part was filed to the Filing Date field on the
Acquisitions sheet of the layout and save the record.
Handle Unexpected Issues of MVFPOs
For major items (such as Halsbury’s Statutes of England and Wales) where a large number of supplements are received in addition to the regular updates (e.g. Halsbury’s Statutes Citator and Destination Tables) it is suggested that the Create Manual Issue method should be used.
This allows the issue media type to be changed from loose-leaf if required. If unexpected supplements were handled by the issue generation system they would all pick up the default part media type - Looseleaf Part. Unexpected supplements are often considered as physically separate items.
In the example here it is assumed that a separate supplement has been received unexpectedly – and that this is not a looseleaf item.
Run a Looseleaf Parts search from the Serials Check In domain and identify the Part on which the unexpected issue is to be based.
NB: This item will be a separate supplement and will not be interfiled in the main volume.
Select Create Manual Issue - a cataloguing form based on the selected part will be presented.
The Issue Title should be modified as required.
The date should also be changed to the actual publication date – this may be on the Details sheet of the layout.
The media type must not be changed at this stage as this will affect the availability of this item to be checked in.
Save the record and return to the Check In search – the new issue is now ready for check-in.
Check in the issue as normal.
To change the media type – secondary search from the Issue Title field.
Put the record into modify mode and move to the details sheet of the layout to change the media type.
As the media type is changed the layout will change to the default layout for the new media type. Here the media type is changed to Books.
You can complete the cataloguing now, or save the record and pass the item to the cataloguers for completion.
The title will now be retrieved from the Title searches.