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Set reference data MARC21 tags

Learn how to set reference data for MARC21 tags in OLIB.

Setting Reference Data MARC21 tags

Authority and other data linked to titles will only be included in the MARC21 export if the MARC tags are set correctly in the reference data. In OLIB 9.0 you can configure the Leader/006/007/008 data on Media Types and Media Sub-types as well as on individual titles. Section 4.1 of this guide examines the process of configuration of Leader/006/007 & 008 data as well as the 337 media type tag for the RDA format. Section 4.2 shows how to correct the export tag for ISBN’s and the same principles apply to other authority data (e.g. subject types, class types, etc.). Section 4.3 includes a table which lists the availability or otherwise of the MARC tag fields.

Configuring these settings will also ensure that imported MARC21 records match your OLIB settings.

Configuration of Leader/006/007/008 Data and the 337 Field

These fields can be configured at Media Type, Media Sub-type or individual Title level. In most cases you will set these at media type and sub-type level. You would only configure these at title level if you were experiencing a particular problem in exporting a specific title.

 Note:If any of these values are not set at media sub-type level then the exported records will pick up the values from the media type.

 Caution: Before configuring media types or sub-types for e-books you should refer to the Library of Congress advice on cataloguing this material available at .


The Leader has 24 character positions which may be defined. Those which are required here are:

  • 06 – Type of Record
  • 07 – Bibliographic Level
  • 19 – Linked Record Requirement

These are shown here for the Sound Recording media type.

The standard media types which are supplied with OLIB (e.g. Books, Serials, Sound Recordings) have the Leader pre-configured. If you have created your own media types or sub-types and wish to make your MARC21 export accurate then you will need to apply appropriate Leader values.

In this instance a media type of Report is in use.

For each of the three positions (06, 07 & 19) you will be offered a choice of values as defined by the MARC21 standard.

06 – Type of Record

07 – Bibliographic Level

19 – Linked Record Requirement

Set these as required and save the media type record.

006 Accompanying Material

006 is used for coding additional material, for example a book with an accompanying CD. It is highly likely that you would set this at a media sub-type level. For example, in a children’s collection, a storybook with an accompanying CD would have Book as media type and Storybook/CD as media sub-type.

In this case there is no requirement to set the Leader fields as any records catalogued using this media sub-type will adopt the leader values from the parent media type.

In order to set the 006 values for the accompanying material click on the New link below the

Tag 007/008 field.

Change the tag from the default 007 to 006.

You will be presented with the fields for the default type of Language Material.

We are configuring this for a sound recording so will change the Category of Material field to i – Non-Musical Sound Recording. The form will now display the correct fields for that type of material.

 Note: The Online Manual field gives the URL for the MARC21 standard relating to the 006/007/008 record being configured. Please refer to this for explanation of the options offered.

Complete the fields required.

Here is an example record of this type, shown using the Connexion Client cataloguing interface for WorldCat.

When actually cataloguing this type of record in OLIB the 006 data will be built automatically from the media sub-type values, but you should still ensure that the 300$e (accompanying material) subfield is populated with the actual physical description.

In OLIB this would be entered like this:

This media sub-type should also have a 007 coded for the CD.

007 Physical Description

To add 007 data to the media type, media sub-type or title, repeat the process of adding a new value to the record but leave the Tag as 007 – Physical Description Field and choose the appropriate Category of Material – in this case Sound Recording. Then set the sub- fields as required.

Save this record back onto the media sub-type record.

008 Fixed Length Data Elements – General Information

If you want to identify items other than by their physical format then you can use the 008 tag for this. For example you may have a large collection of Government Publications. These are defined in MARC21 as language material and would normally have Book as media type. If you wanted to have a separate media sub-type for Government Publication – then you can add a 008 tag to help in defining this.

The leader information does not need to be set as any exported records will retrieve that information from the media type Book.

Click on the New link below the Tag 007/008 field. Set the Tag field to 008 – Fixed-Length Data Elements.

The critical field to set in this case is Government Publication.

Once this is set – then save the record.

You should also ensure that this is set as the default for all titles with this media sub-type.

337 Media Type – RDA

If you have moved from cataloguing to AACR2 standard to the new Resource Description and Access (RDA) system then you should also set the 337 Media Type tag on the media type record.

The media types, sources and codes which should be used can be obtained from .

ISxN Types

A number of OLIB reference data types include a MARC tag option. In some cases the fields to set the tag data are present on the standard layouts, in some cases they are not. In some cases the tag fields are pre-populated during installation, in some cases they are not. In a small number of cases the tag data can only be updated using SQL*Plus. The table in section 4.3 of this manual lists the reference data domains and summarizes the tag position of each.

We identified in Section 2 of this document that the MARC tag set for ISBN’s in older OLIB systems is 021 – which is a UKMARC tag. This will be the case for all systems installed up to OLIB 7.6.3. New systems from OLIB 8.0 onwards have this tagged mapped to 020, for MARC21.

To amend this in a system installed before OLIB 8.0 – launch an ISxN Types search from the

Cataloguing Reference Data section of the Menu and search using the wildcard (%).

You will see that ISBN is mapped to tag 21 (the initial zero is dropped in the display).

Modify this record and set the tag to 020.

Save the record and the hitlist will now display the correct tag.

This change is instantaneous for both the MARC21 View and for exports.

Other Reference Data

Other reference data fields where the MARC tag exist are:





Other (Rapid Application Fields)

Field exists in database

– but not available in Layout Manager to be added to layouts.

Other data or Rapid fields were used historically in OLIB to handle data (often MARC data) outside the scope of the OLIB system. They have been little used since the release of OLIB 7.1.


Name types

Three tags exist:

MARC primary author tag

MARC secondary author tag

MARC author as subject tag.

These fields are pre-populated with the correct values. To view this data add the tag fields to the Name Types layout.


Cartographic Codes

MARC Tag field is present on the layout.

This data is only relevant to map collections

– the MARC tags are pre-populated with the UK MARC values.


Class. Schemes

MARC Tag field is

present on the Class. Schemes Standard Layout

Data is pre-populated for system supplied Class types.


– Control No. Types

Field exists in database

– but not available in Layout Manager to be added to layouts.

Data is pre-populated for system supplied Control numbers – e.g. National Bibliography Number is set to the 015 tag.



Field is present on ISxN Types layout.

Data is pre-populated for system supplied ISxN Types. UKMARC value may be set for ISBN for older OLIB systems.



Field is not present on Link Types Standard Layout.

Data is not pre-populated.


Fields are not present on Note Types Standard Layout. These fields will be added in the Service Pack 5 release.

Data is pre-populated for all standard MARC21 note types and does appear in the Note types hitlist. From Service Pack 5 it will be possible to exclude notes from export or import by note type.


Responsibility Types

Fields are present on RESBTYTPS Standard Layout.

Fields included are: MARC21 Default First Indicator

MARC21 Default Primary Author Tag

MARC21 Second Indicator

MARC21 Default Secondary Author Tag

Data is not pre-populated.

The responsibility type code (for $4) can be supplied in the code field on the Responsibility Types layout, enclosed by "~". This enables, for import, such codes to map to this responsibility type by listing several, separated by "~".


Series Types

Field is present on Series Types Layout

Data is pre-populated for system supplied series types. Tag set against Non-Added Entry is the obsolete 440 tag.


Subject Types

MARC Tag present on Subject Types Standard


Data is pre-populated for system supplied MARC subject types.


appears when a name is linked to a title

Fields available to be added to the Title\Author Relationship layout: MARC Tag

MARC 21 First Indicator

MARC 21 Second Indicator

Data is not pre-populated when a name is added to a title but is defaulted during export.


appears when a note is linked to a title.

Fields available to be added to the Title Notes layout:


MARC 21 First Indicator MARC 21 Second


Data is not pre-populated when a note is added to a title but will default from the Note Type reference data.

TITLES - Titles


Not relevant to the MARC export.



Not relevant to the MARC export.


added when a title is linked to an alternative title

Fields are present on the TITLETPS Standard Layout


First Indicator Second Indicator

Tag is pre-populated with the MARC tag appropriate to the alternative title type,

e.g. ABKEY (Abbreviated title) = 210.

In the display the list of possible options for the indicators are shown. When the record is modified you can set the indicator if required.

Clearing the MARC21 Output Cache

When you have made changes to the MARC21 configuration you may need to clear the output cache so that your MARC21 view and export pick up the new values.

Launch an Output Formats search in the Data Exchange Reference Data section of the menu and search for Marc.

Select the MARC21 output format and choose Clear Output Cache from the list of Other Actions.

This process runs very quickly and does not give a confirmatory message. Any changed settings will now be included in the export and the MARC21 view.